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Tschipcraft's Dynamic Lights

A server-side data pack/mod for 1.17x-1.21x

YouTube showcase


Supported entities and items such as torches or lanterns will emit light by using the light block added in 21w13a. Some items are water sensitive and only turn off or on inside water. Additionally, all enchanted items will emit light level 6 while some enchants under certain conditions emit light level 9.
For a detailed overview of all supported items and entities, take a look at the wiki pages linked below.

This data pack/mod is completely server-side, but can also be installed on the client for single-player worlds only!

Note that this project is designed to provide a cross-compatible server-side solution. For a heavily modded setup, I recommend using a client-side solution such as LambDynamicLights instead for better performance, smooth blending between blocks, and better integration with mods and shaders.

-> For a detailed overview and available settings, take a look at the wiki <-


This data pack is also available as a mod with an additional global config file and settings menu when installed alongside MidnightLib.

Decide if you want to download the pack as a pure data pack [DP] or packaged as a mod [Mod].
Put the pure data pack .zip file into the datapacks folder of your Minecraft world, or the mod into your .minecraft/mods folder.


To open the ingame menu, execute /trigger tschipcraft.menu or /function #tschipcraft:menu. There is a Reset and an Uninstall button.

Current issues


Affecting v1.8.4 and v1.8.5 in Minecraft 1.20.6 and below: Chat is permanently flooded after using the menu command in Minecraft 1.20.6 or below - see #66. This will be fixed in a future release. For a quick fix, run the command /function dynamiclights:internal/menu_reset with operator permissions.


This data pack follows the Smithed and essential MC Datapacks Discord Server Conventions to ensure data pack compatibility.

Some sophisticated redstone contraptions may not work when this project is installed, since the light block is not pushable for some reason. Please report any issues on GitHub. Current issues related to this: #51

You can run Dynamic Lights on NeoForge when installed alongside Sinytra Connector. Make sure to skip the pre-game warning that Dynamic Lights is also a Forge mod.

External Links

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Licensed Custom License
Published 2 years ago
Updated 3 months ago