Enhanced Allays

Enhanced Allays

Mod and data pack

A series of vanilla+ enhancements for your little allay friends

Server Game Mechanics MobsUtility

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Enhanced Allays

A Minecraft datapack/mod (packaged as a mod by modrinth) that enhances allays by adding new useful behavioral features.

Summary of Features

Enhanced Allays is a combination of three datapacks:

Allay Woodchoppers

  • Allays will chop down trees for you!
  • Give Allays a specific log type for them to chop!

Allay Army

  • Allays will defend you from mobs!
  • Give Allays any kind of sword to grow your allay army!

Allay TP

  • Never lose an allay, auto-tp them to you whenever you wish!
  • Simply type /trigger allayTP to enable auto-tp!

More details down below

Chat Config Menu

By using /function enhanced_allays:.config you can access the chat config menu where you can toggle each feature on or off config menu, on - off options

Detailed Features

Allay Woodchoppers

How do I get allays to chop down trees for me?
You just need to give allays a log of the wood type you want, and hold that log in your main/off-hand.

Log detection
If you want allays to target a specific tree, you can simply look at it and the allays will do everything else! Otherwise, Allays will scan 6 blocks in all directions for the desired log type and fly towards it if found.

Allay Army

How can I get my own Allay Army?
Simply give your allays any type of sword. Get as many allays with swords as you want for a bigger army. Better swords will do more damage!

Allays will attack any mob that is angry at you or other allays within 12 blocks.

During the attack, allays will do the following:

  • Allays will fly towards the targeted mob even if it is underwater
  • The targeted mob will show particles to indicate it is being targeted
  • Allays will first target mobs that are closer to you
  • Allays have a cooldown of 1.5 seconds before attacking again

Allay TP

Automatically TP your nearby allays! Choose when to TP them to you! Useful when flying with elytra and they can't catch up with your speed of movement.

How do I enable it?
Simply type /trigger allayTP to enable or disable it.

When will allays auto-tp?

  • If they get 48 to 64 blocks away from you.
  • When you enable Allay TP by typing /trigger allayTP.

Bug Report

If you find any bugs, please report them here.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published a month ago
Updated a month ago