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Tiny Fix


I have been on hiatus thanks to lack of motivation sooooo...

little hotfix for an issue reported on the github repo

  • Balloons now should drop their item when hitted.

If I gain some free time and motivation again, I might add some new content


please make a backup of your world or remove every single balloon in your world.
You can easily remove the old versions with /function animated_java:fcyballdisplay/remove/all before updating the datapack
The balloon spawner items have changed custom data so you'll probably need to re-craft them

  • 1.21.2 UPDATE! No longer will you need to use controller items to control your balloons, now you can control them with WASD Space and Ctrl
    • W/S increase or decrease the target speed of the balloon
    • A/D rotate the balloon at 5 degrees per tick
    • Space/Ctrl increase or decrease the target vertical speed of the balloon
  • Coloring the balloons now requires you to sneak and click! all available dyes have colors

This update took 2 whole days for me to finish because so many things needed to be remade or refactored

Color Patch!

  • New colors include:
    • black
    • brown
    • cyan
    • light blue
    • light gray
    • lime
    • magenta
    • orange
    • pink
    • white
    • yellow
    • gray
    • purple
  • Recipes for the controllers! Now controllers have stone cutter recipes, instead of simply giving them to the player for free.
  • Changed the controller items to be iron nuggets, and since you use iron nuggets to craft the controllers, you can convert a controller into another!
    • You can technically still use the old controller items, but they will no longer have the different texture and also wont be able to be used for crafting other controllers.
    • BE CAREFUl! Since the item controllers are just iron ingots with custom data, minecraft will still see them as iron nuggets for recipes.

MCBuild Port

  • Upgrade and fixing the datapack to work with mcbuild, allowing for easier developing!
  • Now I'll start use a more proper semantic versioning so format like vX.Y.Z-A:
    • X: major version, backward incompatible
    • Y: minor version, backward compatible (unless said so)
    • Z: patch version, backward compatible (usually bug fixes)
    • A: pre-release version (this datapack it's still on alpha so will basicaly only be alpha for now)
  • Balloons no longer need empty hands to be seated on
  • Added colors to the balloons! simply interact with a dye in hands and the collor will apply (as of now there are only red, green, and blue, more ar on the works)
  • Now can only ride the balloon if interected with empty hands
  • There is now a little panel in the balloons model that shows little arrows indicating the balloon's speed
    • the right panel indicates vertical speed
    • the left panel indicates horizontal speed
  • Recipe changes!!
  • New item model! The balloon spawner item no longer looks like a bat spawn egg

CHANGES - prototype-0.0.1

  • Added Drivable Balloons! The balloon has a little seat where the player can stay, and with the use of two controller items the player can change the balloon's speed. The balloon still has locked rotation next version will add rotation control.

CHANGES - prototype-0.0.2

  • Revamped rotation and height, now there are two new controlers to control the Balloon's vertical speed.
  • Now with the usage of the Balloon Control the player can choose if the balloon will have a locked rotation or if it will follow the player's rotation
  • Fixed an issue with the seats, were the player could click in a seat, but be seated on a closer one
  • Added an loot table with a bundle containing all of the controll items (missing the balloon spawner still)
  • Modified the way balloons were ticked. Before an enchantment on the control items would tick the balloon the player was sitting, essentially making the datapack 'tickless' but felt weird to control. Now the main 'tick' function will run on every player and check if they are seated on a balloon, if so tick the balloon only. It might not be 'tickeless' anymore but itss still somewhat performant since it depends on the number of players in balloons.

CHANGES - prototype-0.0.3

  • Added spawn item for balloons
  • Fixed atacking balloons will no longer remove other balloons nearby
  • Added spawning the spawn item for the balloon when destroing it

CHANGES - prototype-0.0.4

  • Fixed balloons will now be able to travel horizontally and vertically
  • Added block checks to avoid balloons going inside blocks

CHANGES - prototype-0.0.5

  • Added balloon spawner recipe
    recipe result
    wool wool wool
    fence carpet fence balloon
    plank plank plank
  • fixed up a couple detections on items, now whenever a player puts down a balloon and they don't have the controls, they will receive all the control items

CHANGES - prototype-0.0.6

  • Animated Java Model!! Now balloons have an animated java model with a wayy better visual, a little swaying animation, and all functions were uptaded to fit the new model. This model is stil subject to change.

CHANGES - prototype-0.0.7

  • Fixed some errors with some advancements
  • I think we ready for publishing :3

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 4 months ago
Updated 3 months ago