Fix Your Posture Reminder

Fix Your Posture Reminder

Mod and data pack

Reminds players to fix their posture. A must-have for active servers!

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🛠 About This Datapack

  • "Fix Your Posture Reminder" is a datapack that reminds everyone to fix their posture after every 5-10 minutes.
  • The "relaxation time" between each reminder can be modified by going to the following function file: fyp:load and changing values for relaxation.min and relaxation.max
  • Admins can decide whether the reminder message be sent as "actionbar title", "tellraw" or both.
scoreboard players set showAsActionbarTitle fyp.Values 1 => shows as actionbar title
scoreboard players set sendAsTellraw fyp.Values 1 => sends tellraw
to disable any of the above, or both, set the scores of
- 'showAsActionbarTitle' 
- 'sendAsTellraw' 
for scoreboard 'fyp.Values' to 0

Please note that if you want to permanently keep changes, make these changes in the function file fyp:load instead of running the command ingame. Otherwise, the scores will revert back to their default values when the command /reload is ran.

📚 Extras

  • Why a datapack?

It is important to recognise the value of good posture. In the age of devices like smartphones and computers, we people tend to remain in the same "posture" for a very long time without even realising it. This can be dangerous, especially when the posture that the person stays in causes stress to the spine and collarbone, which can cause damage to the inherent overall posture. If the person is of growing age, this posture can affect the growth of their spine. If a person is in adulthood, it can cause stress and pain to their joints and shoulders. Bad spine can also carry on upto old age, where it causes back pain along with other health problems. Some solutions include visiting an orthopedic doctor, or investing in better chair/furniture that'll help maintain a good posture, but these solutions require atleast some amount of money. Though this datapack may be hardly effective, it aims to prevent its users from developing back pain in the long run. By reminding the player every 5-10 minutes (by default), it reduces the net-slouching time per session which can reduce the time it takes to develop a slouched spine.

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Licensed ARR
Published 5 months ago
Updated 5 months ago