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Key Features

Not all features are 100% shown and documented below, this is just a quick summary of the datapack. Tip: To read more, hit 📖 next to the name to see the wiki page for that section!

Mana 📖

Mana is what you need to cast any of your spells and the current percentage of mana you have is displayed above your hunger bar. The default maximum amount of mana you can store is 100 and you regenerate 1% of mana every second!

Spell Books 📖

Spell books store spells and can be applied to your wand in a magical crafting table! The pack currently contains 12 spells

Name Description Mana Cost
Auxiliare This spell gives you faster regeneration, at the cost of slowing you down 35
Commovus Teleports you 6 blocks forward - even through walls! 25
Amogius Dev only: Instantly regenerates 5 mana points 0
Circulum Sanitatem Spawns a magical circle (which lasts 10 seconds) increasing the regeneration of all players in it 55
Ardo Sets hit block or entity on fire for a few seconds 20
Wingardium Leviosa Summons an area which causes entities to levitate for a short amount of time, or if it hits an entity, it causes it to start levitating for a few seconds 30
Attonus Causes hit block or entity to explode 60
Consedo Summons an area which slows entites down or hit entitiy to stop moving for a few seconds 35
Aguamenti Places a water block or extinguishes a hit entity 20
Ignis Temptates Places a burning rune which explodes after 1.5 seconds causing all entities within a range of 10 blocks to catch fire 65
Iunior Causes hit entities to go back into their smallest/baby form for the rest of eternity 15
Terrae Motus Causes an earthquake damaging all entities within and dealing additional damage to entities hit by blocks 70

### Magical Flowers 📖 Magical Flowers spawn in small patches all around your world and reward you with an instant regeneration of 10 mana and 1-2 Magical Shards which can then be crafted into Magical Crystals and be used in various craftnig recipes!

Wands 📖

Wands are, of course, the main feature of this datapack, allowing you to cast spells! The Magical Crystal can be crafted using magical shards which are dropped from Magical Flowers :) You can craft them like this in a regular or Magical Crafting Table:

Magical Crafting Table 📖

This is where the magic happens, you can use this block to apply spells to wands and craft magical items! It can be crafted like this:

And applying spells to you wand looks something like this :P

Wiki 📖

After carefully reading through this page you already know a lot about the datapack but in case you still want to go for more, you can check everything out in the official wiki! Click here to get redirected to it!

Discord Bot 🤖

Are you using Hexenwerk on your minecraft server to play with friends (or strangers :P) or just want all the information right at your fingertips? Well, you can simply invite our discord bot, Hexenwerk Helper, to your discord server and have just that power! Instantly get information about what specific spells or developer/admin tools do without needing to search throught the wiki? No problem! The /spell and /devtool commands got that handeled! Same goes for /recipe if you want to quickly check how to craft any of the new magical items! You can invite the bot by clicking here!

How to contribute

  • Suggest features on our discord!
  • Create report bugs, read through the code and help me improve it on GitHub!

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Project members




Texture Guy


Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago