Horse Armor Smithing

Horse Armor Smithing

Mod and data pack

A unique take on craftable horse armor, making it upgradable via smithing!

Server EquipmentGame MechanicsUtility

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So, as you may (or may not) know, there is only 1 type of horse armor that is craftable: Leather Horse Armor. A lot of people don't think that makes much sense, myself included, and a lot of people make datapacks to fix that and allow for crafting of other variants.

The issue is, though, these recipes are oftentimes pretty pricey, costing up to 5-6 of the material you want to use. Who's willing to spend 5-6 of their well earned diamonds to keep their horse armored up? I'd rather not.

That's the main idea behind this pack. It's a cheaper alternative to various craftable horse armor packs. Instead of using large amounts of material in a crafting table, you can upgrade your horse armor using just 2 ingots/diamonds in a smithing table!

A gif showing the 3 recipes available for horse armor upgrading

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Licensed MIT
Published 24 days ago
Updated 25 days ago