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Russian Translation:
This simple datapack takes the Vanilla Tweaks coordinates HUD datapack and breaks it up to require having a clock and/or a compass in your inventory.
How to use
A compass will show your current position and facing on your action bar, this makes it more convenient and easy-to-read for players who may not be as experienced in using the F3 menu.
A clock will show the current time of day in a 24-hr format. The clock will also display 'Day' or 'Night' followed by a number. 'Day' indicates that it is currently day time and you cannot sleep, whereas 'Night' indicates that it is now nighttime and you can go to sleep. The number following the day/night indicator.
Riding on a horse-type mob (horse, zombie horse, skeleton horse, donkey, or mule) with a saddle will show you the mob's speed and jump statistics.