Level = Attributes

Level = Attributes

Data pack

This datapack links each player's attributes to their current experience level.

Server CursedGame Mechanics

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Updated for 1.21.2

Updated for 1.21

Renamed from "Experienced" to "Level = Attributes".

Added 5 new attributes introduced in Snapshot 24w06a, that is block_break_speed, jump_strength, fall_damage_multiplier, safe_fall_distance and gravity.

Previously, the minimum and maximum values for each attribute were based on the game's minimum and maximum values. With the addition of the new attributes, it is no longer suitable to continue following the game's min/max values. Thus, custom, more reasonable min/max values have been set for various attributes.

With this change, all attributes are now enabled by default.

Major code cleanup which should improve performance.

Update entity/block interaction range attributes to match Snapshot 24w03b changes.

The first beta release!

Version 1.0.0 will release when 1.20.5 releases.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 4 months ago