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Skill Levels

Image of Milestone Advancements

When loading up a world, all of the tools except wooden tier has been disabled, in order to unlock them you have to sacrifice items.

The way you sacrifice items is simply by putting them in your offhand. You are then granted experience to the category of the item, so for example wood logs give foraging xp and rotten flesh gives combat xp.

Tools are then unlocked by getting to certain levels, Your milestones are shown in the advancement tab "Milestones"


Image of Active Quest Advancements

The Townsfolk now rewards you for fulfilling their desires, if you walk up to a villager and interact with them while crouching they will explain their quest. If you are interested in helping them out, just do it again and you will start the quest

The things they ask for can range from collecting sweetberries, redstone or to kill some skeletons. If you want to cancel a quest you can just crouch and talk to the villager again, though be aware that this results in a penalty of not being able to recieve a quest for a day.

As hard as the quest are, as good are the rewards. You can get access to whole new skill categories, get extra health after sleeping, get a bestiary of the monsters in this world and much more.

Tweaks to Vanilla

Image of Milestone Advancements

I find the vanilla enchanting and repair system flawed, as there is a lot of unnecessary planning built into it due to levels.

So the new way you repair items on an anvil is simply by holding the item you want to repair in your mainhand, and another item of that kind in your offhand. Doing so will consume the item in your offhand, damage the anvil and fully repair the item in your mainhand. Anvils can also now be repaired by holding a iron block in your hand and interacting with the anvil.

Enchanting is a little bit more complicated, you can now find enchanted artifacts such as ancient scrolls in chests around the world.

The scrolls can then be applied to your tools by using an enchanting table with your tool in mainhand, and the enchanted artifact in your offhand.

All enchanted artifacts are level one, so to get higher levels, you need to find multiple of the same enchant.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KP6h5ayFtU @SkippyZii for the music in the Giant boss battle

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Published a year ago
Updated 9 months ago