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Mob Wrangler 🤠

Minecraft needs more mount options! This datapack allows you to ride many more mobs and some even have special abilities.


  • Ride and control supported mobs.
  • Use special abilities with some mobs when you toot a goat horn!
  • Craft a Wrangler Rod with 3 sticks and 1 lead.
  • In-game achievements with helpful info.
  • If succesfully wrangled a hostile mob, it will become "tamed" and wont attack you.
  • Mobs can swim!
  • Survival & multiplayer friendly!


  • goat
  • ravager
  • panda
  • polar bear
  • sniffer
  • zoglin
  • hoglin
  • turtle
  • frog
  • chicken
  • phantom
  • ghast
  • ocelot
  • spider
  • cave spider


Attach a fishing bobber from a Wrangler Rod on one of the supported mobs and pull it in to ride it! You have to get the mob close enough (1-2 blocks distance) to get on. Be careful with hostile mobs, but if you do manage to ride it it will no longer be aggressive towards players.

Wrangler Rod Recipe



  • breaks leaf blocks and crops (vanilla feature).
  • attacks villagers.


  • toot a goat horn to make the goat ram in the direction you're looking.


  • toot a goat horn to make the frog jump in the direction you're looking.


  • can fly!
  • after its tamed it will not burn in the day and it will stay in one place when dismounted.
  • if you're not holding a wrangler rod while riding it will auto return to its "return point".
  • toot a goat horn to set the point where the phantom will return to on its own.


  • can fly!
  • toot a goat horn to spawn a fireball, you have to punch it to shoot it.

Spider & Cave Spider:

  • can climb walls.


  • can swim underwater.

Any mobs that don't have a specific ability with the goat horn will jump when you toot it.


You can very easily allow more mobs to be ridden, the datapack is made in a way that it works on basically any mob, these are just the only ones I set it to work with. To change that you need to go into the datapack zip file, then go data/mobwrangler/tags/entity_type and there you will find some files.

Add a mob by adding its name to the end of the text, like "minecraft:bat". Add a comma to the one before it. The "rideable" file contains all the mobs that can be ridden, if you want the mob to also have a special ability like swimming underwater, flying or climbing then add it to those files as well. Example for how to add a mob support


If you don't end up liking the pack it should be fine to just remove it, there isn't anything that can break, however mobs changed by it will still be affected. Ravagers will stay pacified


This pack uses teams to make hostile mobs you're riding not attack players, so if anything you have uses teams as well its possible things could get messy.


This datapack gives a lot more options for mounts, some being just for fun and some being useful situationally! Phantoms are great for exploring, turtles are good for underwater, zoglins are just cool... ;D If you have any questions, issues or suggestions you can DM me on Discord @Gurkis

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Licensed ARR
Published 9 months ago
Updated 2 months ago