Ever felt it weird that you can only use berries as fishing baits in Cobblemon? Me too! This addon gives a few vanilla Minecraft items fishing bait effects, such as:
Raw Cod, Cooked Cod, Raw Salmon, Cooked Salmon, Tropical Fish, Pufferfish, Cake, Amethyst Shard, Bottle O' Enchanting, Golden Apple, Enchanted Golden Apple, Sculk, Echo Shard, Moss Block, Flint, Glow Berries, Blaze Powder, Wind Charge, Fire Charge, Magma Cream, Slime Ball, Ink Sac, Glow Inc Sac, Nether Wart, Ghast Tear, Trial Key, Ominous Trial Key, Wither Skull,
and the best for last...
Nether Star
(Do note that Glow Berries and Sweet Berries already have fishing bait effects with the base installation of Cobblemon, but the effects of Glow Berries are changed by this addon)
Happy fishing!