This is an Add-On for Cobblemon.
Models in this pack are made by either the Cobblemon Team, Myself or part of the CobbleLand Server!
For any support required regarding the pack, please send a message Here
Pokemon I made
Models: Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus, Dialga, Palkia, Zorua, Zoroark and Giratina
Textures: Shiny Chikorita Line
What Pokemon are currently in this pack:
Yveltal - Spawns in Dark Forests at night
Buzzwole - Spawns in Swamps
Victini - Savannas
Marshadow - Deep Dark
Meloetta - Meadow and Sunflower Plains
Jirachi - The End, Mountain and Hills Biomes
Mew - Floral and Jungle Biomes during Noon
Bronzor & Bronzong - Caves, Dark Forest (Any time) and Mountains (Night)
Moltres - Badlands Biomes (morning to noon)
Articuno - Ice Spikes
Zapdos - Plateau Biomes
Mewtwo - Anywhere in the world during the Afternoon
Rayquaza - Sunflower Plains during the day and clear skies
Xerneas - Flower Forests (Morning)
Poipole, Naganadel - Mangrove Swamps
Walking Wake - Beach and Coast Biomes during the morning
Iron Leaves - Floral Biomes and The End
Giratina - The End
Poochyea and Mightyena - Dark Forests, Plains, and Taigas and night
Pawniard and Bisharp - Plateau, and Mountain biomes
Dialga - Peak Biomes
Palkia - Beaches/Lukewarm Oceans during clear skies
Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus - Mountains/Highlands
Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf - River Biome
Regirock - Desert Biome
Registeel - Jagged Peaks Biome
Regigigas - Stony Peaks Biome
Rellor/Rabsca - Jungle Biomes
Tapu Koko, Lele, Fini, Bulu - Spawns in the Jungle and Forests
Cosmog - Spawns in Floral Biomes
Cosmoem - Spawns in Floral Biomes
Solgaleo - Spawns in Badlands and Savannas in the mornings
Lunala - Spawns in the End and Dark Forests at night
Necrozma - Spawns in the End and Dark Forests at night
Ultra Necrozma - Evolves from Necromza at lvl 80
Yungoos/Gumshoos - Spawns in Plains Biomes
Magearna - Spawns in Forest Biomes
Celebi - Spawns in Forest Biomes
Latias/Latios - Spawns in Meadow, Peak and Beach Biomes
Tornadus - Plains and Desert Biomes
Thundurus - Spawns in Windswept Hills and Savanna Biomes
Landorus - Spawns in Badlands, Plains, Windswept Savanna and Desert Biomes
Pheromosa - Spawns in Plains, Flower Forest, Sparse Jungle, Meadow Biomes and The End
Guzzlord - Spawns in Swamp, Badlands, Deep Dark Biomes and The End
Stakataka - Spawns in Plains, Desert, Savanna, Badlands, Deep Dark Biomes and The End
How to Install:
When you download the datapack you will get a zip folder. This zip folder is both the resource pack and datapack. You dont have to unzip it or anything (unless u want to make changes) just keep it as is. This zip folder will go to two places, your datapack folder and your resourcepacks folder.
How to install the Datapack
Server Method: If you want to install this on a server, the datapack folder is located in your world
folder. (or whatever u use for ur main world) In this world
folder you will see another folder called datapacks
this is where u will place the folder. Then restart the server for it to take effect.
Single Player Method: Installing it in single player is a little different, you will need to go in ur .minecraft
folder for this (if you dont know how, then simply google it how to find my .minecraft folder
) in here scroll until you see the saves
folder. open that up, and it will list all ur worlds. Click the world u play on, and you will see a datapacks
folder, place the folder in there.
If you use another launcher besides the regular minecraft, such as technic, instead of going to ur .minecraft
folder, you would go into the .technic
How to install the Resourcepack:
Server Method: If you want to have this resource pack download automatically for all ur players, then you will have to create a server resource pack, im not gonna go in depth with this, u can simply watch this video:
Single Player Method: Like i said before, the zip folder also acts as the resource pack. So when your in game, press esc
on ur keyboard, bringing up the settings menu, in here go to options
then click on resource packs, then click open pack folder
then just place the folder in there, then go back to minecraft and MOVE THE PACK TO THE RIGHT SO ITS UNDER SELECTED
so many miss this step, and thats why u only see the green substitute dolls.
Legendary Spawn Rates and Conditions
Each legendary spawns in a specific biome at a specific time of day. I've listed it all out on the Modrinth page so please refer to that. They are set in the ultra-rare
bucket with low weighting, meaning they are super rare to come across. If you would like to change this, or see what they are, just unzip the pack, do to the data
folder then the spawn-pool
folder, and click whatever pokemon u want to see. I dont know what the percentage is, so please dont ask me, i just know they are low. if you would like to make the legends less rare, either increase the weight, or place them in another bucket.
Legendary Spawn Message By default there is no message that spawns when a legendary spawns, it will act like any other pokemon. If you would like there to be a message for when a legend spawns then i recommend u contacting Pebbles for a paid mod that announces when a legend spawns, or try out tim's free mod:
Please send me a message via Discord @iMystxc#6923 if you run into any issues or have any suggestions!