This mod/datapack adds the Nanomech origin to your Minecraft world!
You can fly as if you were in creative!
You are half a block tall, by using your secondary you can shrink to be 2 pixels tall! Use your primary to grow back to your original size!
Your fragile so you only have 8 hearts rather than the normal 10
You also have elytra flight!
You cant take fall damage
You cant die to kinetic energy so taking kinetic energy damage will leave you at half a heart.
You fly 150% faster than the average player
Water does 2 and a half hearts of damage to you
You can shoot a laser beam that does 2.5 hearts
You dont need air to breath so you can breath under water and if you have the space dimensions mod you can breath in space
You can extend your arms so you have the normal block reach
You can toggle climb
You can ride player's by right clicking them
NOTE: I've been testing the mods and they dont always work the best, its HIGHLY recommended that you get the data packs as they work across more versions and have been shown to work 100 times better.