Nice Blockhead Mobs

Nice Blockhead Mobs

Mod and data pack

Adds cute, little Mobs (and 1 new Boss) made out of Miniblocks. No Ressource Pack required.

Server Game Mechanics MobsWorld Generation

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📖 Description

Nice Blockhead Mobs adds 9 new Mobs and 1 Boss made out of Miniblocks which means that no Resource Pack is required for this data pack. Every Mob added does not replace existing Mob spawns and can be found throughout the world spawning. Every added Mob either has a unique loot table attached to it or another specialized behaviour attached to it.

Amemasu: Can be found in Warm and Deep Lukewarm Oceans. Hitting the Witch inside the Ocean Temple starts the bossfight. Amemasu always drops either Sponges or a Heart of the Sea and sometimes a Trident which might even be enchanted.

Boo: Spawns in Soul Sand Valleys and drops Phantom Membranes and sometimes an Invisibility Potion.

Hedgehog: Can be found by looking for it in Forest Biomes such as Birch Forests or Terralith's Lavender Forest. The mob sometimes attacks hostile mobs which are near it.

Hermit Crab: Located on Beaches and drops Pottery Sherds.

Ladybug: Silently flies through Cherry Groves, Sunflower Plains and Flower Forests and has a similiar behaviour to Allays.

Nautilus: Swims in the Oceans and attacks the same Mobs an Axolotl would.

Penguin: Can be sighted in Snowy and Frozen Biomes. Penguins love to be fed fish (either from a Bucket or just a raw one) and will drop all kinds of Eggs when you do so. But rather not attack it, since it hits back.

Rat: Cute, little Fellows which spawn in Forest Biomes and follow a nearby player. They also make squishy sounds and are scared by Cats.

Redstone Ghost: It's Dungeon Structure can be found underground. They only spawn from the spawners and always drop Redstone Dust when killed. A good alternative for a Farm.

Snail: This slow friend can be found in Forest and Flower Biomes and sometimes drops Slimeballs when walking on a Dirt Type based block or when killed. Keeping it alive for a Farm might be the smarter choice here.

🛠️ How to, Instructions & Commands

The datapack usually just needs to be installed. There is nothing else you have to do. It just works out of the box.

But if you are playing on a PaperMC Server (or a PaperMC Fork like Purpur) make sure to set allow-non-player-entities-on-scoreboards in your paper config files to true in order for everything to work properly.

✍️ Feedback, Questions & Suggestions

We're here to help! If you happen to have questions, suggestions or just encountered a bug, then feel free to hop on our discord server to ask for help in our Data Pack Section. Click to join the server

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Explorer's Eden

Explorer's Eden



Licensed GPL-3.0-or-later
Published 4 months ago
Updated 16 days ago