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Pizztakio's Inventory saving system or PISS for short, allows for easy inventory loading and saving.

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Pizztakio's Inventory saving system or for short PISS, allows for easy inventory loading and saving.

How to use [1.3.0+]

Inventory Types

Global Inventories

Global inventories serve as a backup for personal inventories, operating independently from individual player data.

Personal Inventories

Personal inventories are linked to individual players. They were originally designed for those who wanted to customize their kits differently from the default options, but they can be used for any purpose. If a player attempts to load a personal inventory that hasn't been saved yet, the corresponding global inventory will be loaded instead.

Saving and Loading Inventories

Inventory Ids

To save or load an inventory, you must always provide the inventory's ID. Note that certain characters are not allowed in the inventory ID, including:

  • Spaces
  • Periods (.)
  • Square brackets ([])
  • Parentheses (())

Saving & Loading

These commands are designed to store and restore the inventory of the player who executes them.


  1. Global Inventory
    Use the save_default function to save a global inventory, including the desired ID as an argument.


    /function iss:functions/save_default {id:"starter_kit"}
  2. Personal Inventory
    To save a personal inventory, use the save_custom_layout function with the ID argument.


    /function iss:functions/save_custom_layout {id:"starter_kit"}


Loading commands replace the player's entire inventory.

  1. Global Inventory
    Use the load_default function to load a global inventory, specifying the ID.


    /function iss:functions/load_default {id:"starter_kit"}
  2. Personal Inventory
    To load a personal inventory, use the load_custom_layout function with the ID argument.


    /function iss:functions/load_custom_layout {id:"starter_kit"}

Resetting Personal Inventories

  • To reset a player's personal inventory, use the reset_custom_layout function. This will clear and reset the personal inventory of the executing player.


    /function iss:functions/reset_custom_layout {id:"starter_kit"}

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Licensed MIT
Published 3 months ago
Updated 3 months ago