Return home in a jiffy with these wondrous (nonlethal) concoctions!
Find them throughout your world in magical or abandoned places, or brew 'em up yourself at the exit fountain in the End, and get two brand new advancements along the way!
To make the teleporting experience as seamless and natural as possible, I've done my best to mirror the vanilla respawning behaviour with both beds and anchors as closely as I could!

Potion of Reminiscence
They may spawn as rare loot in some magical or abandoned structures.
They can also be created renewably by using a glass bottle on the exit portal found in the End after killing the Ender Dragon. However, this will cost a decent chunk of EXP. -
2 New Advancements
One for filling a glass bottle at the exit portal in the End.
And another for using the potion to return to your respawn point. -
Nerdy stuff
Near perfect recreation of the vanilla respawning behaviour!!
No impact on performance unless you're playing on a literal potato :D

The datapack can be uninstalled by running the command /function recall_potion:uninstall
. This will remove the datapack from your world, however the potions will still remain, just without any functionality.
Due to the limitations of datapacks, in order to add the potions into chests, I had to replace some of the base game's loot tables. If you have another datapack installed that also attempts to modify one of the loot tables changed by this pack, one of the datapacks in question may not function as intended.

Inspired by Calamity MC
Based on Terraria
I don't have a personal Discord server set up yet, so if you need to contact me directly; you can do so though an email to pengu.goober@outlook.com
, or by joining MonoCode's Discord server.