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From the fella that brought you Reg's More Foods comes a new datapack that adds Loot Bags to Minecraft!
As of v0.1.0-alpha, the only available Loot Bundles to obtain are:

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Vault Loot Bundles
  • and Ominous Loot Bundles.

The main tiers of Loot Bundle can be obtained from killing specific mobs, and there are different chances of obtaining each type of bag.

The only Bundle that must be crafted to be obtained are Vault and Ominous Vaut Loot Bundles, which also require their respective Trial Keys to open.
Simply have the correct Key in your inventory and the bag will open when used.

The datapack also comes with a few advancements, but more will be documented as the datapack leaves Alpha testing.
That's where you come in. I would like you to download Loot Bundles and tell me what you think! What's broken, what should I add, what should I change, the works!

Config & Commands

I use the same system for spawning items in all my projects. You can type/paste the following command in-game to access all of my project's custom items, no matter which one you have installed:
/function (pack_id):give_item/(item) {player:'(player)',count:(amount)}

For example, you can type this command in to give yourself a Common Loot Bundle:
/function lootbundles:give_item/common_bundle {player:'@s',count:1}

This command to give regfunkid an Uncommon Loot Bundle:
/function lootbundles:give_item/uncommon_bundle {player:'regfunkid',count:1}

Or this command to give all players 3 Rare Loot Bundles.
/function lootbundles:give_item/rare_bundle {player:'@a',count:3}

Installing on Vanilla

If you want to use this datapack in Vanilla, simply install the version you're looking for and put the datapack zip folder in your world's datapack folder.
Put the resourcepack zip folder in your resourcepacks folder, and make sure you have it enabled before joining the world.

Installing as a Mod

If you want to use the modded version, just hit the download button on the version you need. If you use the Modrinth launcher, this is easy peasy.
If you use a different mod loader, you can still download the .jar for this project and use it there.

Please tell me about any bugs or issues so I can fix them!

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago