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Accompanying Resource Pack is Optional but recommended

Changes to Wandering Traders

  • Wandering Traders spawn approximately 80% more often
  • When a Wandering Trader spawns, it glows for a short time and notifies nearby players
  • Wandering Traders have Jungle, Ocean, Mesa, and Tundra variants and have corresponding trades, totaling over 200 possible trades

Notable Trades

  • Cloud Wand: Places a cloud for levitating mobs and placing blocks
  • Flare Wand: Light up distant areas with a temporary light source
  • Item Magnet: Attracts items and grounded arrows to you
  • Throwable Water: Places water where it lands
  • Potion of Luster: Nearby ores emit particles
  • Mini Blocks: Mini versions of Minecraft blocks which can be placed as decoration
  • Potion of Haste: Increases mining and attack speed
  • Suspicious Stews: Effects are more powerful than natural suspicious stews
  • Loot Barrel: Contains random loot
  • Bundle: Stores items in the inventory
  • Trident: Costs emeralds and a heart of the sea

A Wandering Trader will have one of the four variants and have random trades from 7 of 8 pools

Jungle Trader
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Hay Block Emerald
Baked Potato x6 Emerald
Fermented Spider Eye Emerald x3
Melon (block) Emerald
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Water Bucket Emerald x2
Milk Bucket Emerald x2
String x3 Emerald
Pumpkin Emerald
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Jungle Log x4
Emerald Mangrove Log x4
Emerald Pale Oak Log x4
Emerald x5 Jungle Sapling
Emerald x5 Mangrove Sapling
Emerald x5 Pale Oak Sapling
Emerald x5 Mini Jungle Log
Emerald x5 Mini Jungle Planks
Emerald x5 Mini Mangrove Log
Emerald x5 Mini Mangrove Planks
Emerald x5 Mini Pale Oak Log
Emerald x5 Mini Pale Oak Planks
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Grass Block
Emerald Rooted Dirt x4
Emerald Moss Block x4
Emerald Pale Moss Block x4
Emerald Mud Block x6
Emerald Packed Mud x4
Emerald Mossy Cobblestone x4
Emerald x5 Mini Mossy Cobblestone
Emerald x5 Mini Clay
Emerald x5 Mini Moss Block
Emerald x5 Mini Azalea
Emerald x5 Mini Flowering Azalea
Emerald x5 Mini Muddy Mangrove
Emerald x5 Mini Mud
Emerald x5 Mini Packed Mud
Emerald x5 Mini Mud Bricks
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Lily Pad x2
Emerald Brown Mushroom x3
Emerald Red Mushroom x3
Emerald Vine x3
Emerald Pale Hanging Moss x2
Emerald Red Tulip x2
Emerald Lily of the Valley x2
Emerald Blue Orchid x2
Emerald Open Eye Blossom x2
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Potato x5
Emerald Carrot x5
Emerald Cooked Salmon x6
Emerald Melon Slice x3
Emerald Cookie x12
Emerald Mushroom Stew
Emerald Suspicious Stew
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Gunpowder x2
Emerald Spider Eye
Emerald Glistering Melon Slice
Emerald Bamboo Block x4
Emerald Scafolding x6
Emerald Small Dripleaf x2
Emerald Azalea
Emerald Flowering Azalea
Emerald Brown Mushroom Block x2
Emerald Red Mushroom Block x2
Emerald Mushroom Stem x2
Emerald x3 Cobweb
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald x5 Cloud Wand
Emerald x5 + Glow Ink Potion of Luster
Emerald x5 Potion of Invisibility
Emerald x5 Spore Blossom
Emerald x3 Verdant Froglight
Emerald x3 Perlescent Froglight
Emerald x3 Oche Froglight
Emerald x5 Tadpole Bucket
Emerald x2 Slime Ball
Emerald x12 Slime Block
Emerald x3-4 Poison Tipped Arrow x16
Emerald x16-22 Depth Strider Book
Emerald x16-22 Bane of Arthropods Book
Mesa Trader
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Baked Potato x6 Emerald
Hay Block Emerald
Fermented Spider Eye Emerald x3
Bottle of Water Emerald x2
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Water Bucket Emerald x2
Milk Bucket Emerald x2
Rotten Flesh x16 Emerald
Amethyst Shard x4 Emerald
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Oak Log x4
Emerald Acacia Log x4
Emerald Pale Oak Log x4
Emerald x5 Oak Sapling
Emerald x5 Acacia Sapling
Emerald x5 Pale Oak Sapling
Emerald x5 Mini Oak Log
Emerald x5 Mini Oak Planks
Emerald x5 Mini Acacia Log
Emerald x5 Mini Acacia Planks
Emerald x5 Mini Pale Oak Log
Emerald x5 Mini Pale Oak Planks
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Coarse Dirt x6
Emerald Sand x6
Emerald Sandstone x4
Emerald Red Sand x4
Emerald Red Standstone x3
Emerald Terracotta x4
Emerald Stained Terracotta x2
Emerald x5 Mini Sand
Emerald x5 Mini Standstone
Emerald x5 Mini Chiseled Sandstone
Emerald x5 Mini Red Sand
Emerald x5 Mini Red Sandstone
Emerald x5 Mini Chiseled Red Sandstone
Emerald x5 Mini Terracotta
Emerald x5 Mini Dirt
Emerald x5 Mini Gravel
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Beetroot Seeds x2
Emerald Sugar Cane x3
Emerald Cactus x3
Emerald Dead Bush x2
Emerald Orange Tulip x2
Emerald Allium x2
Emerald Poppy x2
Emerald Open Eye Blossom x2
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Potato x5
Emerald Carrot x5
Emerald Beetroot x5
Emerald Bread x6
Emerald Glow Berries x3
Emerald Beetroot Soup
Emerald Suspicious Stew
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Gunpowder x2
Emerald Torch x8
Emerald x2 Spectral Arrow x16
Emerald Iron Nugget x16
Emerald x2 Golden Carrot x4
Emerald x2 Amethyst Cluster
Emerald Glowstone
Emerald x2-4 Golden Tool
Emerald x6-16 Enchanted Golden Pickaxe
Emerald x6-12 Horse Armor
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald x5 Item Magnet
Emerald x4-8 Haste Potion
Emerald x20 Mending Golden Pickaxe
Emerald x5 Potion of Invisibility
Emerald Raw Gold
Emerald x4 Golden Apple
Emerald x8 Saddle
Emerald x3-5 Night Vision Potion
Emerald x22-28 Fortune Book
Emerald x16-22 Thorns Book
Ocean Trader
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Baked Potato x6 Emerald
Hay Block Emerald
Copper Ingot x6 Emerald
Tropical Fish x2 Emerald
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Water Bucket Emerald x2
Milk Bucket Emerald x2
Ink Sac x4 Emerald
Prismarine Crystal x4 Emerald
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Birch Log x4
Emerald Cherry Log x4
Emerald Pale Oak Log x4
Emerald x5 Birch Sapling
Emerald x5 Cherry Sapling
Emerald x5 Pale Oak Sapling
Emerald x5 Mini Birch Log
Emerald x5 Mini Birch Planks
Emerald x5 Mini Cherry Log
Emerald x5 Mini Cherry Planks
Emerald x5 Mini Pale Oak Log
Emerald x5 Mini Pale Oak Planks
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Grass Block
Emerald Sand x6
Emerald Gravel x6
Emerald Clay x4
Emerald Magma Block
Emerald Coral Block
Emerald Stained Terracotta x2
Emerald Glazed Terracotta x2
Emerald x5 Mini Sand
Emerald x5 Mini Clay
Emerald x5 Mini Prismarine
Emerald x5 Mini Prismarine Bricks
Emerald x5 Mini Dark Prismarine
Emerald x5 Mini Mini Sea Lantern
Emerald x5 Mini Tube Coral
Emerald x5 Mini Brain Coral
Emerald x5 Mini Bubble Coral
Emerald x5 Mini Fire Coral
Emerald x5 Mini Horn Coral
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Kelp x4
Emerald Sea Pickle x3
Emerald Seagrass x3
Emerald Coral x2
Emerald Coral Fan x2
Emerald Pink Tulip x2
Emerald Cornflower x2
Emerald Dandilion x2
Emerald Open Eye Blossom x2
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Potato x5
Emerald Carrot x5
Emerald Cooked Cod x6
Emerald Bread x6
Emerald Dried Kelp x12
Emerald Apple x4
Emerald Suspicious Stew
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Gunpowder x2
Emerald x3 Salmon Bucket
Emerald x3 Cod Bucket
Emerald x3 Tropical Fish Bucket
Emerald x4 Pufferfish
Emerald Prismarine x4
Emerald Prismarine Bricks x4
Emerald Dark Prismarine x4
Emerald Sea Lantern x2
Emerald x5 Loot Barrel
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald x3 Throwable Water x4
Emerald x10 + Heart of the Sea Trident
Emerald x5 Potion of Invisibility
Emerald x5 Nautilus Shell
Emerald x5 Turtle Egg
Emerald x5 Pufferfish Bucket
Emerald x5 Axolotl Bucket
Emerald x3-6 Potion of Water Breathing
Emerald x16-24 Impaling Enchanted Book
Emerald x22-28 Respiration Enchanted Book
Tundra Trader
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Baked Potato x4 Emerald
Hay Block Emerald
Rabbit Hide x4 Emerald
Leather x2 Emerald
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Water Bucket Emerald x2
Milk Bucket Emerald x2
White Wool x3 Emerald
Flint and Steel Emerald x2
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Spruce Log x4
Emerald Dark Oak Log x4
Emerald Pale Oak Log x4
Emerald x5 Spruce Sapling
Emerald x5 Dark Oak Sapling
Emerald x5 Pale Oak Sapling
Emerald x5 Mini Spruce Log
Emerald x5 Mini Spruce Planks
Emerald x5 Mini Dark Oak Log
Emerald x5 Mini Dark Oak Planks
Emerald x5 Mini Pale Oak Log
Emerald x5 Mini Pale Oak Planks
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Grass Block
Emerald Podzol
Emerald Snow Block x2
Emerald Packed Ice
Emerald Ice x2
Emerald x5 Mini Grass Block
Emerald x5 Mini Snowy Grass
Emerald x5 Mini Podzol
Emerald x5 Mini Snow Block
Emerald x5 Mini Ice
Emerald x5 Mini Packed Ice
Emerald x5 Mini Blue Ice
Emerald x5 Mini Cobblestone
Emerald x5 Mini Smooth Stone
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Pumpkin Seeds x2
Emerald Carved Pumpkin
Emerald Sweet Berries x3
Emerald Fern x3
Emerald White Tulip x2
Emerald Oxeye Daisy x2
Emerald Azure Bluet x2
Emerald Open Eye Blossom x2
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Potato x5
Emerald Carrot x5
Emerald Cooked Mutton x6
Emerald Cooked Rabbit x3
Emerald Pumpkin Pie x4
Emerald Rabbit Stew
Emerald Suspicious Stew
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald Gunpowder x2
Emerald Bone x4
Emerald x7 Rabbit Foot
Emerald Lantern
Emerald Soul Lantern
Emerald Campfire
Emerald x2 Soul Campfire
Emerald Soul Torch x4
Emerald x3 Powder Snow Bucket
Emerald x2-4 Leather Armor
Emerald x3-5 Splash Potion of Slowness
--------- Buy --------- Sell
Emerald x5 Flare Wand
Emerald x5 Potion of Invisibility
Emerald x2 Bundle
Emerald x4 Lava Bucket
Emerald x5 Blue Ice
Emerald x3-4 Slowness Tipped Arrow x16
Emerald x16-24 Projectile Protection Book
Emerald x10-22 Power Book
Emerald x28 Frost Walker Book

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Licensed CC-BY-NC-4.0
Published a year ago
Updated a month ago