What does the pack have to offer?
It adds the ability to block using your sword - Similarly to version 1.8 - Neglecting part of the damage and knockback dealt to you.
Insight on the pack
Though the title and purpose of the datapack are self explanatory, There are stuff that should be noted. Any sword can be used to block attacks. While blocking, Your get 1 Extra Armor point, And the sum of the armor points you are wearing, Or in other words, Your armor effectiveness. Will be increased by 40%, Which typically causes you to reduce the amount of damage taken by 30% - 60% Depending on what armor you are wearing.
The knockback caused by the attack is also reduced, Blocking gives you 1+ Knockback resistance, As well as increasing the knockback resistance of your armor by 60%.
You also get a minor armor toughness boost, Which reduces the damage done by critical hits severely. Blocking doesn't grant any Armor toughness, But it multiplies your total armor toughness by 30%.
Not having armor doesn't mean your blocking will be useless, But it will be less effective. It is also worth mentioning that when holding shields, The ability to block using your sword will be disabled.
Over all, The sword shielding and blocking mechanic is a valuable addition that will add more depth into combat generally, And Server PvP exclusively.
Please Note that the mechanics of sword shielding could be changed if better ones were found. Also note that this project is still subject to new content, Like parrying mechanics. So stay on the lookout for those!