Silly Fossils

Silly Fossils

Data pack

An addon for Cobblemon that adds some more functionality to the fossil machine.

Server Cursed

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heyo! im easysqueeze, the creator of this pack.

this pack is for 1.21.1!

This pack adds a whole bunch of things you can put in the fossil machine! Anything from rocks to ice to a... trial key?

make sure the pack is placed INSIDE THE WORLD'S FOLDER! this is found here: [installation name]/saves/[worldname]/datapacks and NOT: [installation name]/datapacks

questions? message me here: DO NOT DM ME, ask questions on the server

this pack is crazy simple. feel free to use in any server, modpack, or whatever you want- even monetized servers are okay. just don't try to pass it off as your own! here's a list of items you can use and which pokemon they give you. if you want to try and discover them yourself, don't click the spoiler!


Bergmite: Packed Ice

Bonsly: Oak Sapling Cobblestone

Chingling: Bell

Comfey: Rose Bush Lilac

Corsola: Brain Coral Block Brain Coral (not brain coral fan)

Drifloon: Air Balloon

Exeggcute: Egg

Ferroseed: Sticky Barb

Fidough: Bread

Geodude: Cobblestone

Gimmighoul: Gilded Chest (Undyed)

Honedge: Iron Sword

Klefki: Trial Key

Litwick: Candle (Undyed)

Lunatone: Moon Stone Block

Luvdisc: Heart of the Sea (heart pokemon. in the sea. funny)

Magnemite: Magnet

Milcery: Milk Bucket

Nosepass: Compass

Porygon: PC

Pumpkaboo: Jack'O'Lantern

Seedot: Wheat Seeds

Sigilyph: Totem of Undying

Solrock: Sun Stone Block

Tadbulb: Bucket of Tadpole

Voltorb: Pokeball

Hisuian Voltorb Pokeball Grass (for hisuian voltorb make sure to either place the grass in first, or place in both items before filling the restoration tank, or it will create normal voltorb)

hope you enjoy you nerd

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago