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Simple Displays Banner

Intended & Designed for Creative Use or by Server Operators Only.

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Operator Status

Operator Only Mode is set to on by default. As an operator run /function sdsetting:oponly to toggle it off & on. While Op Only mode is on, commands can only be run by /function sdfunction:[command] by typing that and without the /trigger.

Regular Simple Displays

Simple Displays is a datapack that you can include in your world! It adds multiple /trigger commands, which are the main interactions with this datapack. The commands are the following:

Item Display Entity Text Display Entity Block Display Entity
/trigger ToggleBrightness /trigger ToggleBrightness /trigger ToggleBrightness
/trigger CycleItemBillboard /trigger CycleTextBillboard /trigger CycleBlockBillboard
/trigger CycleItemRotation /trigger CycleTextRotation /trigger CycleBlockRotation
/trigger CycleItemScale /trigger CycleTextScale /trigger CycleBlockScale
/trigger KillItemDisplay /trigger KillTextDisplay /trigger KillBlockDisplay
/trigger PlaceItemDisplay /trigger PlaceTextDisplay /trigger PlaceBlockDisplay
/trigger PrecisePlaceItemDisplay /trigger PrecisePlaceTextDisplay /trigger PrecisePlaceBlockDisplay
/trigger ReplaceItemDisplay /trigger ReplaceTextDisplay /trigger ReplaceBlockDisplay
/trigger CycleItemStyle

Operator Only Custom Commands:

These Commands are more complicated commands that allow for more dynamic selection of things for Display Entities. This is only available for 1.20.3 and Higher. Replace X with one of the listed or custom variables.

Operator Only Custom Command Descriptions
  • /function sdcustom:place_custom_block {block:X} (Any Block id. No need to add Minecraft:)
  • /function sdcustom:place_custom_item {item:X} (Any Item id. No need to add Minecraft:)
  • /function sdcustom:place_custom_text {text:X,color:X} (Text: What you want on the display, Color: Legacy Minecraft Colors)
  • /function sdcustom:precise_custom_block {block:X} (Any Block id. No need to add Minecraft:)
  • /function sdcustom:precise_custom_item {item:X} (Any Item id. No need to add Minecraft:)
  • /function sdcustom:precise_custom_text {text:X,color:X} (Text: What you want on the display, Color: Legacy Minecraft Colors)
  • /function sdcustom:replace_custom_text {text:X,color:X} (Text: What you want on the display, Color: Legacy Minecraft Colors)
  • /function sdcustom:set_custom_billboard {type:X,billboard:X} (type: entity - Make sure to add _display -, billboard: fixed, vertical, horizontal, or center)
  • /function sdcustom:set_custom_scale {type:X,scale:X} (type: entity - Make sure to add _display -, Scale of Entity)
  • /function sdcustom:set_full_custom_scale {type:X,scale1:X,scale2:X,scale3:X} (type: entity Make sure to add _display , Scale: X, Y & Z of Entity)

Item Display Entity:

Item Displays are entities that display items in multiple ways. This datapack uses commands to add, modify, and change these item displays in a simplified way. You can place them and modify these entities in 5 ways, item it displays, size, style, rotation, and billboard!

Item Display Command Descriptions
  • CycleItemBillboard: Cycles the "Billboard" of Item Displays (From Fixed > Vertical > Horizontal > Center > Fixed).
  • CycleItemRotation: Cycles the "Rotation" of Item Displays (From South > West > North > East > South)
  • CycleItemScale: Cycles the "Scale" of Item Displays (From 1x > 2x > 8x > 16x > -1x > -2x > 1x).
  • KillItemDisplay: Kills Item Display Directly next to you.
  • PlaceItemDisplay: Places an Item Display at the center of the block of where you are (and uses your held item).
  • PrecisePlaceItemDisplay: Places an Item DIsplay at where you are (and uses your held item).
  • ReplaceItemDisplay: Replaces the Item of the nearest Item Display (uses your held item).
  • CycleItemStyle: `Cycles Rendering Style of Item Displays (From Fixed > Third Person > First Person > Head > GUI > Ground > Fixed)

Block Display Entity:

Block Displays are entities that display blocks in multiple ways. This datapack uses commands to add, modify, and change these block displays in a simplified way. You can simply place them and modify these entities in 4 ways, block it displays, size, rotation, and billboard! Note, Block Displays only display blocks with hitboxes, blocks such as redstone dust and rails won't be placed

Block Display Command Descriptions
  • CycleBlockBillboard: Cycles the "Billboard" of Block Displays (From Fixed > Vertical > Horizontal > Center > Fixed).
  • CycleBlockRotation: Cycles the "Rotation" of Block Displays (From South > West > North > East > South)
  • CycleBlockScale: Cycles the "Scale" of Block Displays (From 1x > 2x > 8x > 16x > -1x > -2x > 1x).
  • KillBlockDisplay: Kills Block Display Directly next to you.
  • PlaceBlockDisplay: Places a Block Display at the center of the block of where you are (and uses the item directly below you).
  • PrecisePlaceBlockDisplay: Places a Block DIsplay at where you are (and uses the item directly below you).
  • ReplaceBlockDisplay: Replaces the Block of the nearest Block Display (and uses the item directly below you).

Text Display Entity:

Text Displays are entities that display text in many ways. This datapack uses commands to add, modify, and change these text displays in a simplified way. You can simply place them and modify these entities in 4 ways, text it displays, size, rotation, and billboard!

Text Display Command Descriptions
  • CycleTextBillboard: Cycles the "Billboard" of Text Displays (From Fixed > Vertical > Horizontal > Center > Fixed).
  • CycleTextRotation: Cycles the "Rotation" of Text Displays (From South > West > North > East > South)
  • CycleTextScale: Cycles the "Scale" of Item Displays (From 1x > 2x > 8x > 16x > 1x).
  • KillTextDisplay: Kills Text Display Directly next to you.
  • PlaceTextDisplay: Places a Text DIsplay at the center of the block of where you are (and uses your held item's name).
  • PrecisePlaceTextDisplay: Places a Text DIsplay at where you are (and uses your held item's name).
  • ReplaceTextDisplay: Replaces the Text of the nearest Text Display (uses your held item's name).

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 5 months ago