Soul Megas - FREE MEGAS FOR ALL We've decided to make all of the mainline game megas we have commissioned, be provided for free use by anyone willing to use them on their modpacks, servers, etc.. This also includes other models made by the cobblemon public and gitlab. (For all the Public packs we asked permission first before adding) This also includes a Datapack for the Flourish Sidemod that makes it Survival Friendly!
Yes, you can also use them in tandem with CobblemonMegas or Flourish, or any desired server-sided mod, with the condition that in good faith you do not try to profit monetarily from these models.
This pack currently includes:
Every Mega Pokemon and a few Remodels listed in the Credits
We will be updating this list as we get more Megas to share with you all.
If you would like to support us, try our Cobblemon Server Cobble Souls!
- For most the models we use and edited to make megas (also include the 1.6 models in the gitlab too)
- @shippou for Mega Audino and Mega Medicham
- for the kangaskhan and mega kangaskhan models!
- @fire1jaguar for Manectric
- for the Abomasnow Model
- @elpigeon for Base Glalie
- for the Altaria, & Banette Models!
- @epic_sanasss for Mega Sceptile
- for the Audino Model
- @blubberblase_wither for Latios and Latias and their megas!
- for the Medicham Model
- for Mega Metagross
- for Diancie and Mega Diancie
- for Rayquaza Remodel and Mega Rayquaza
- for Houndoom Model
Special Thanks:
@glace0909 They are carrying massively for the Megas used in this pack among other models we use.
@sanji1 For helping put everything together while I'm handling the Hollow Update before and after, on Cobble Souls.
@hiroku_dev & the entirety/rest of the Cobblemon Team For directing, making, developing, and managing an amazing Pokemon Mod where people are free to contribute & where input & adaptations of the same are welcome.