Special Pokémon Day Alpha Release!
Generation 1
- Added Barunda, Kotora and Raitora
Generation 2
- Added Animon, Kindachi, Koma-Inu, Norowara, Kyonpan and Shibirefugu
Generation 3
- Added Ascenshark, Evolotto, Hakogame, Komari, Penpin, Ponku, Tanpu, Psykou, Psyking and Warabbit
Generation 5
- Added Kaburion
This release is considered unfinished! Here are some things to be aware of:
- Not all Pokémon have their animations or cries finished.
- The Datapack prefix has been changed from the previous version, making it incompatible with the previous version.
- spaceworldmons: is required in front of all the new Pokemon names to spawn them in with commands. An example of a command with this prefix is listed below.
/pokespawn spaceworldmons:kotora
- As a consequence of this and a bug in the current version of Cobblemon, Pokémon from this pack are unable to evolve. (Unless your name is Evolotto)
- Added Tsubomitto, Madamuu, Turbann and Gorochu
- Changed Plux's model and typing to Bug/Steel
Note: This version is incompatable with saves with the original pack due to file changes.
- Added Plucks