Welcome to Superdead, a challenge to your survival and technical know-how.
Inspired by Luke theNotable's 100 Days DESERT Challenge, the Superflat and Single-Biome Challenges as well as Dune, this Datapack hopes to achieve a slow paced, exploration based challenge.
You will find yourself stranded on long stretches of barren Deserts, Badlands, Stony Peaks/Shores and a Deep Dark infested underground with no Villages, no Water, no Vegetation and no Ores.
Every item still remains obtainable. How, though, is up to your knowledge.
Download the datapack and add it during the creation of the World you wish to run the challenge in.
Make sure its loaded after Minecraft and before any other structure modifying Datapack.
This Datapack is intended for use in combination with creating new Worlds as it overwrites the vanilla Overworld generation.
Adding or Removing this Datapack to/from existing Worlds will potentially break those.
This Datapack has been created with vanilla use in mind. It does not contain any official mod support - a version for this will release in combination with a dedicated modpack at a later date.
This datapack is not compatible with other biome-modifications or terrain-generating datapacks.