Swap Item

Swap Item

Mod and data pack

Swap items between 2 slots.

Server DecorationEquipment MobsUtility

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Swap Item

Swap items between 2 slots.

📥How to Install

Choose if you want to download the pure Data Pack version or the Mod version and follow the steps accordingly.

Data Pack
  • 1) Download the Datapack
  • 2) Chose the world you want to install the Data Pack in and navigate to its "datapacks" folder
  • 3) Copy the downloaded Data Pack file (Swap Item) into this folder
  • 4) Join the world and run /reload command
  • 1) Download the Mod
  • 2) Navigate to your mods folder (for the vanilla launcher the path is .minecraft/mods
  • 3) Put the downloaded .jar file (Swap Item) into this folder
  • 4) Join the world and run /reload command

The Mod version of this Data Pack is compatibile with Fabric, Forge, Quilt and NeoForge

Note: support for NeoForge is available starting from version 1.2.2 of the pack


This Data Pack introduces a bunch of new commands that allow you to swap two inventory slots between the player and an entity. Plus you can now place any item in your head slot! Following the list of the commands and their effects.

/trigger swapitem.entity.mainhandSwap the item you are holding with the item in the mainhand slot
of the entity you are looking at.
/trigger swapitem.entity.offhandSwap the item you are holding with the item in the offhand slot
of the entity you are looking at.
/trigger swapitem.entity.headSwap the item you are holding with the item in the head slot
of the entity you are looking at.
/trigger swapitem.entity.chestSwap the item you are holding with the item in the chest slot
of the entity you are looking at.
/trigger swapitem.entity.legsSwap the item you are holding with the item in the legs slot
of the entity you are looking at.
/trigger swapitem.entity.feetSwap the item you are holding with the item in the feet slot
of the entity you are looking at.
/trigger swapitem.headPuts the item you are holding in your head slot.
YouTube Showcase

📤How to Uninstall

Data Pack

To uninstall the Data Pack version you can just run /function swap_item:uninstall command. When the uninstallation process is completed a confirmation message will be sent in the chat.


To uninstall the Mod version you need to run /function swap_item:uninstall command. Then you close the game and remove the jar file from your .minecraft/mods folder.

🔗External links

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Licensed ARR
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago