Here you can find the main downloads for official TE+ Addon enchantments!!
The list of addons will increase over time, you can suggest any addon idea at the discord and it can be selected to be part of this site!
At the moment the current addons are:
"Wave 1"
- Compact
- Expertise
- Heat Vision
- Pull
- Relocation
- Spawner Touch
- Uncover
- Voidless
- Withering
- Frostbite
"Wave 2"
- Bleeding
- Typhoon
You can get any enchanted book from any addon by using in-game chat:
/function tepad_<enchantment_name>/give/<enchantment>
(You must install Technical Enchant+ main datapack or mod for them to work)
There is a download available to get all of these Addons at once
This addons were designed with the TE+ API, meaning that they can be customizable as you want, like setting the max enchantment level, if you want or not to appear in the enchanting table and so on.
If you want to know what excactly each addon does, as well as their requirements, check out the WIKI PAGE
When you add a new Addon into your world, I recommend using the command /function enchantplus:set_options/init
Be careful! This will reset all your current configuration back to default but is necessary to apply the addon correctly.