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The Timber Strike enchantment makes the whole tree get instantly destroyed when one log is broken. You can also mine a log normally if you press shift while breaking it. This makes it really convenient and fast to farm trees. The datapack/mod can be customized to enable or disable leaf breaking, to consume axe durability, and to enable or disable giant mushrooms.


  • go to your saves folder located here on Windows:
C:\Users(your name)\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves

put the zipped file in the data packs folder, and either restart your world or execute /reload


  • run function timberstrikeenchantment:uninstall. Do not reload before deleting the pack.
  • delete the datapack/mod and then run /reload


  • The enchantment can be obtained by enchanting an axe or a book in an enchantment table.
  • You may change settings by running /function timberstrike:config. There are currently 6 settings:
Setting Default Value Description
mine_leaves true (1) Makes tree leaves and mushroom blocks also get mined when the log/stem is broken.
consume_durability true (1) 1 durability point is consumed from the axe for every block that is broken using timber if this setting is enabled (unbreaking supported)
enable_giant_mushrooms true (1) Allows timber to be used on giant mushrooms. (red/brown)
blocklimit 500 Limits the number of blocks that can be mined at once using timber. Set to 999999999 for practically infinite blocks.
showanimation true (1) If block breaking animation should be shown. When disabled, there will be no noise or particles and using timber would be less laggy
trigger default (0) Setting this to default will make timber not work when you are sneaking, to prevent unwanted destruction. For extra safety, set it to sneak so that timber will only work when you are shifting.
  • Want to have timber work for everybody regardless of the enchantment? Get the normal version version here! [note: from v4.0 on, this HAS to be installed for it to work.]
  • Due to minecraft limitations and the nature of the datapack/mod, you will also need to have silk touch on your axe when mining overworld giant mushrooms along with the Timber Strike enchantment.
  • for feedback, bug reports, or other help, join the discord server from the links section of this page!

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Licensed ARR
Published 5 months ago
Updated 9 hours ago