- Updated to 1.20.3/4
- Extra Health bossbar for high health amounts no longer displays the name "Extra Health"
- Made dragon laser particle easier to see in the dark
- Updated to 1.20.3
- Extra Health bossbar for high health amounts no longer displays the name "Extra Health"
- Made dragon laser particle easier to see in the dark
- Extra health bossbar no longer appears when dragon health is less than 1024
- Added a setting for changing the sound/music slider that controls ender dragon boss music
- Music and bossbar displaying bug fixes
- Added LS Defaults compat (better default settings compat)
- Allows for changing default settings in mod packs. Click here for more info
- Dragon Breath now deals damage
- Multiple damage adjustments!
- Dragon Dive; direct hit: lowered from 32 to -> 24 damage
- Dragon Dive; shockwave: lowered from 18 to -> 16 damage
- Dragon Laser: lowered from 34 to -> 28 damage
- Health between 1025-2048 for the Dragon now shows equally proportionate on both bossbars (same max values)
- Shockwave particles now visible up to 128 blocks away (prior 32)
- Updated to 1.21!
- Ender Dragon health option can now go beyond 1024 health (up to 4096)
- Function clocks have been switched to scheudule clocks
- Dragon breath should now correctly do area damage on 1.20.2-1.20.4
- Dragon Breath can now be picked up from all Ender Dragon attacks
- Added 2 new options for disabling boss music and dragon defeat music in the settings menu (affects all players)
- Fixed issues that I somehow didnt catch regarding bossfight music looping
- Fixed a bug where the guard phantoms could switch towers and bug each other out
- Dragon breath area effect placers now properly work for 1.20.2 (changed
nbt toeffects
in overlay) - Optimizations!!