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Are you ever playing Cobblemon and think to yourself: "If only it was easier to get resources through interacting with my Pokémon."? No? Regardless, this Cobblemon Shearems addon adds ways to get some basic Minecraft and Cobblemon resources through shearing your Pokémon.

The creator of this addon is not liable for any mild discomfort that shearing the following Pokémon might cause you or said Pokémon: Trevenant, Carbink, Sableye, Fidough, Dachsbun, Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, Voltorb, Voltorb (Hisuian), Electrode, Electrode (Hisuian), Mimikyu, Milcery, Sudowoodo, Torkoal, Combee, Falinks, Metagross, Bergmite, Avalugg, Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr, Gigalith

To use this addon to its full potential, you must have both Cobblemon and the Cobblemon Shearems mod installed. (As of version 1.1.0 of Cobblemon Shearems, you must also have Cobblemon Drop Loot Tables installed)

This addon is both a Resource Pack and a Datapack as one file. The Resource Pack must be installed in your Resource Pack folder, or through [Esc] -> Options -> Resource Packs, while the Datapack must be installed in a Minecraft World's Datapack Folder, or through More -> Data Packs during world creation.

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Licensed MIT
Published a month ago
Updated 3 days ago