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⛏️ Veinminer

Mine a single ore to break the full vein of the same ore! Veinminer is a common feature in various modpacks or survival pvp game modes like UHC to speed up breaking whole veins. Now you can use this feature as a datapack too!

Use as Enchantment?

Add the Veinminer Enchantment Addon to limit veinmining to only enchanted tools!

Version 2.x -> Full customizable mod & plugin
Version 1.x -> Light DataPack with less settings

Customization & Settings

Veinminer comes in two different versions

The DataPack (V1) version is a simple version that is usable on every server and world.

Command Permission Description
/function veinminer:settings/pickaxe OP/Cheats Limit or grant the effect for certain pickaxes
/function veinminer:settings/general OP/Cheats Change some general settings to balance the effect

The Fabric & Paper (V2) version is a more advanced version that is only usable with Fabric/Quilt or Paper/PurPur servers.

Command Permission Short Description
/veinminer blocks veinminer.blocks Edit blocks that are veinmineable
/veinminer toggle veinminer.toggle Completely toggle Veinminer
/veinminer settings veinminer.settings Change settings like cooldown, max chain and more
Using Veinminer veinminer.use If perm-restriction is active, this is needed to veinmine
General Settings

To change a setting, enter /veinminer settings ... <new-value>. To check the current state, leave out the new value argument.

Setting Description Default
mustSneak Players must sneak to veinmine false
cooldown Time between players are able to veinmine (in ticks) 20
delay Time between each automated block breaking (in ticks) 1
maxChain Max amount of blocks that can break from one source block 100
needCorrectTool If blocks have a required tool, this must be used true
searchRadius Amount of blocks in between blocks to count connected 1
permissionRestricted Only players with veinminer.use permission can veinmine false
mergeItemDrops All item drops are merged to the source block false
autoUpdate Check for updates and download new version if available false
durabilityDecrease If each mined block should reduce durability true
Block Groups - Advanced Settings

Block groups can hold multiple blocks together that will be treated like the same block.
/veinminer group create <name> [<block1>] [<block2>]

All blocks inside one group will be mined together. A block can be in multiple groups. New blocks can be added or removed from groups with the following commands:
/veinminer group edit <name> add-block <block>
/veinminer group edit <name> remove-block <block>

Groups can be limited to certain tools, for example group wood can only be mined by axes. If no tool is added to a group, all tools are allowed. If a block is in multiple groups, all tools from those groups are allowed.
(If a block is in one unlimited tool group and one limited to axes, only axes work for this block)
/veinminer group edit <name> add-tool <item>
/veinminer group edit <name> remove-tool <item>

OP players will have all permissions. To manually grant permissions see Luckperms. For Folia support you need to set delay to 0!

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Some Advice

  • To veinmine, your pickaxe must be able to mine the ore in normal conditions (unless disabled in V2)
  • While Veinminer is running very lightweight, mining unnatural big veins can lag the client and the server through the amount of items

If you need any help or want to share some ideas to add, just hop on our Discord (dc.mutils.net)

Project members




Licensed AGPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago