🟢 Gift of the Depths: [Primary]
You can't quite fly, but you can use your wings to lunge forward. The number of lunges you have depends on the brightness around you. Your lunges replenish on ground.
12-15 Light Level: 1 Lunge
7-12 Light Level: 2 Lunges
0-7 Light Level: 3 Lunges
🟢 Strong Grip: [Sneak]
You can hang on to walls and ceilings.
You can replenish 1 Lunge while this is active regardless of you being on ground
🟢 Nocturnal:
You can slightly see in the dark when not in water.
🟢 Air Affinity:
You break blocks with the same speed even when not grounded.
🟢 Wing Reflexes:
You don't take fall damage.
🔴 Fragile:
You have 3 less hearts of health than humans.
🔴 Vegetarian
🔴 No Place Like Home:
When sleeping, your bed needs to be at an altitude of lower than sea level(64).