Table Tools

Table Tools


(Prev. Better tools) A simple mod attempting to expand on vanilla tools, making them better but still retaining the vanilla crafting style.

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Table Tools

Table Tools aims to expand on the current tool progression in the game in a non-instrusive, vanilla+ way.

To begin, craft tool handles using two matching wooden_planks in a shear pattern ( catty-corner ), this will create two tool handles of the corresponding wood.

Now use any vanilla tool crafting recipe replacing the sticks with your new tool handle, and voila, you have a fancy custom tool.

Currently tool handles are limited to the 11 wood types ( bamboo included :) along with bamboo stalks and bones. Along side the vanilla tool materials, a whole litany of others have been added, including copper, sandstone, emerald, and obsidian! ( Full list detailed below ).


Many of the tool textures featured in this mod were pulled from other mods with MIT licenses. . . I did my best to keep track of them and post them here:

Stick textures - Reddit post by u/FloppySwedish_Fish
Wood tool heads - Variant Sticks n Stuff by XanthianZ
Multiple tool textures - Too Many Tools by Cry-Hot ( Check this out, he's got some cool things going on )
Nether Star tool textures - Nether Star + by medilmods ( Thank you! )
Emerald ( and copper I think ? ) Tool Textures - Pure Emerald Tools by purejosh
Modded ore design - Ores Above Diamonds (Fabric) by Dvi
Slime Steel Ingot texture - Reddit post by u/imadethisjustodothis
Blaze Steel Ingot texture - Tumblr post by asmalltransdudeinpain
Ender Steel Ingot texture - Gotten off a sketchy chinese modding site ( not linked cause I don't trust it and don't wanna be liable for giving someone a virus ).

As most of this stuff is under an MIT license, I don't think I require permission to use these.
But credit where credit is due. . . check out these guys. They are doing some cool stuff.


I have a wiki, but here's a little overview anyway:

Full list of tool ingredients:

Wood types: (all vanilla ) Acacia, Bamboo, Birch, Cherry, Crimson, Dark Oak, Jungle, Mangrove, Oak, Spruce, and Warped.

After wood a new category, soft stones: Sandstone, Red Sandstone, Calcite, Netherack, and Flint.

Next, stones (expanded ), Cobble, Deepslate and Blackstone, Andesite, Diorite, Granite, Tuff, Basalt and Endstone.

Soft metals ( exanded ): Gold and Copper.

Gemstones next: Amethyst, Emerald, and Nether Quartz.

Iron, Diamond and Netherite are joined by Obsidian and Crying Obsidian as high-teir materials.

Two new smithing materials also join netherite, made from a gemstone tool and an echo shard, or a nether star on an obsidian tool.

For a total of 37 materials. For those of you doing the math, 37 materials x 13 tool handles x 5 tools makes over 2400 potential tool combinations.

Question's I expect to be asked...

FAQ - Is it balanced?

The idea behind this mod is to expand on the vanilla tool set and make new goals for people to get to that aren't trivial. I can't guarentee balance right now, but I will do my best to make sure it is.

  • Does it work with insert mod here

    The tools in this mod should work with all vanilla functionality. As long as other mods functionality works with vanilla tools it should work with Table Tools as well. An exception to this is better-combat, which I hope to add compatability for in the near future.

  • Can you add materials from insert mod here

    No, but you can! Assuming everything is working properly. The materials and tools in this mod are data driven. . . which means anyone can add compatability with any mod they want. Check the source code for how I add the materials in the default mod. There's also a wiki that walks through the properties and how to do it yourself. Tool materials, ingredients, and handles can all be added via datapack/resourcepack.

  • Can you port this mod to

    • forge,
    • neoforge,
    • 1.20
    • insert your favorite version here...
    • etc. . .

    No. Simple answer no. While I would love for this mod to exist in every version, I am not in a position to make that happen. The source code is available, if you really want to, fork the repository and try your hand. ( good luck :).

  • Can you make tools that insert strange behavior here...

    No. There are lots of mods that work on adding interesting mechanics that tools can exhibit. That is simply not my desire for this mod. . . I intend to add a few minor additions to tool behavior, but if you are hoping for fun interesting tool mechanics. . . This is not the place for them.

  • More tool types ( paxel, excavator, etc) please?

    Hopefully. While I do not care for the paxel. I wouldn't mind implementing new tools/weapons.
    If or when I add new tools and weapons, they will likely be limited to excavator, hammer, tree-axe, scythe, paxel, all the weapons added by this mod Basic Weapons by June. I ran into this mod the other day and felt like this modder understood what most people are looking for in a combat expansion mod.

  • JEI/Recipe book integration/Advancements

    Because of the way the mod works it is very unfriendly to JEI or Recipe book integration. I suspect that Advancements and Recipe books operation is never going to be better than janky. Depending on how customizable JEI is, I may be able to make that work. That being said, I'm hoping to make a book using Patchouli ( or sim ) that will be the primary source of information on the mod.

  • More pictures

    I know I need more pictures on everything. As someone who loves looking at mods, pictures tell the story far better than the description ever will.

  • Smithing templates

    Currently the netherite smithing template is hard coded for all smithing recipes. I would like to add in a new lesser smithing template to allow for more silly smithing recipes, but have not worked out all the kinks on what that looks like.

  • Discord link where?

    I don't have a discord. It feels very silly to make one, so I haven't yet. I know that it is one of the ways people track stuff, but I'm just a little old school for it and would like to put it off. I am active on some discords ( fabric's recently ). . . but for the time being, the only way to report things is through the issue-tracker on github. Feel free to favorite the mod if you are enjoying it. :)

  • How can I support you? :shrug: I am making this mod for me. Happy to see other people use it, but this is a passion project, not a revenue stream. I also have no interest in providing special perks or things for people who donate.

  • Can I use it in insert your random use case here? Yes. This mod is licensed under MIT. . . at the risk of someone stealing my work and being wildly more successful than me. . . you may use or mis-use this mod for any purpose. I like to believe that the modding community is one built on respect and integrity. If I ever get a discord running, I would love to hear how people are using the mod.

Other items in no particular order.

  • Better Combat integration
  • Alternative enchantment system. ( loosely inspired by Tinker's Construct )
  • Stand alone tool-heads
  • Add ingredient overwriting ( and conflict management in general )
  • New end teir tools and ingredients ( alloys, and infusions )
  • Add tool bindings...
  • Rework tool progression into distinct "paths".

I've been trying to keep most of my brainstorming available if you want to read my spagetti thought trains. It is available under the ROADMAP md and BRAINSTORM md files in the source. Everything there is subject to change or be inaccurate if I forget to update it.

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Licensed MIT
Published 5 months ago
Updated 2 months ago