Table Tools

Table Tools


(Prev. Better tools) A simple mod attempting to expand on vanilla tools, making them better but still retaining the vanilla crafting style.

Client and server Equipment

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Added full endgame spectrum of tools. Bringing the total number of ingredients up to 47.

Full list: Existing ( unchanged ) ingredients: Acacia, Bamboo, Birch, Cherry, Crimson, Dark Oak, Jungle, Mangrove, Oak, Spruce, Warped, Andesite, Basalt, Blackstone, Cobblestone, Deepslate, Diorite, Endstone, Granite, Tuff, Calcite, Flint, Netherrack, Red Sandstone, Sandstone, Copper, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Netherite

New vanilla-style tool tiers ( beyond Netherite ): Endirium, Paladus,

High-damage weapon teirs: ( Amethyst, Emerald, Quartz [teir 1]), Echo Shard [tier 2], Heart of Undying [tier 3], Nether Forged [tier 4],

High durability tools: (Crying Obsidian, Obsidian [tier 1]), Jeweled Obsidian [tier 2], Red Soul Shard [tier 3], Reinforced Netherite [tier 4],

High mining speed tools: Slime Steel [tier 1], Crying Steel [tier 2], Ender Steel [tier 3], Blaze Steel [tier 4]

Check the wiki ( when I get it updated ) with more information on how to obtain each of these materials, and statistics for them.

Added new Block Entity: The alloy forge. Crafted using polished deepslate, polished blackstone, 2 diamonds and a blast furnace. This new furnace unlocks the world of alloys and infusions.

Currently, there are 5 new items that are made through alloys. They are slime-steel, blaze-steel, ender-steel, crying-steel, and the blood diamond. They are forged with various quantities of iron (or diamond in the last case ), and mob drops. . .

The forge is currently fueled by blaze rods, sticks, and coal as test fuel items.

The Alloy Forge has support for hoppers and droppers, and like a furnace drops experience generated when taking items out or breaking the furnace.

Added tool handle modifiers that affect tool stats. Buffed Obsidian and gemstone tools to be more competitive mid game tools.

Existing datapacks will need to be updated with "damage" property. Check the new WIKI for more details.

Tool handles now provide slight buffs or nerfs to damage, mining speed, and durability.

Fixed interaction with Anvils. . . ( now work as expected ).

Made tool handles data driven ( yay! ). Added two new tool handle variants... bones and bamboo ( the plant ). These two are crafted directly into tools, not into tool handles.

Updated lang file notation to match standard. ( period deliniated ).

Things that broke: Tools from V0.2.0 have their itemNames broken. Tool handles have been reworked. Existing handles will be removed from the world. Tools from V0.2.0 cannot be used in smithing recipes. . . ( you will need to make new ones ).

Added many, many tool variants. . .

Made tool materials and ingredients data-driven, ( so you can add your own . . . i think ).

Made model generation a lot cleaner. All vanilla functionality should work as intended.

Calling this a release as it is the final form of the cosmetic-only version of this mod.

Tool Repairs now retain model data from the first of the tools inserted.

Fixed Enchantments not working, Fixed a few texture issues

Initial release,

  • Adds 11 tool handles made in a shears pattern from the associated planks.
  • Tools made with these handles behave like their vanilla counterparts with an updated look.
  • Wooden and stone tools crafted with tool handles also retain the look of the specific wood or stone type they were crafted with.

Known bugs,

  • Tools can't be enchanted in an enchanting table.
  • When combined in a crafting table, tools lose custom look.
  • Cherry wooden shovel head texture is misnamed

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 5 months ago
Updated 2 months ago