


Reworks the Origins Mod's abilities and adds new ones.

Server Game Mechanics

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Reworks the Base Origins abilities from the Origins Mod and adds new ones.

Changes to Origins

  • Slow falling can be toggled.
  • Arrows and Spectral Arrows receive a +25% damage increase increased damage when shot by an Avian. Tipped Arrows do not receive a damage increase.
  • The Arachnid has a webshot ability.
    • The webshot is fired using the Primary Key, grappling towards whatever was hit within a range of 16 blocks.
    • Webshot and close combat Webbing require Silk Resource, which regenerates within 60 seconds but can be refilled using string.
  • Arachnids are shorter and can fit into 1-block gaps when sneaking.
  • Climbing no longer slows down mining speed.
  • Fall damage is only taken after a fall greater than 16 Blocks.
  • Arachnids can craft 2 strings into cobweb and cobweb back into 2 string.
  • Cobwebs can be broken per hand and always return a cobweb item.
  • Elytrians can pick between vanilla rendering or a custom texture exclusive to their Elytra. A Template is appended in future Releases.
  • Pressing the Primary Key while grounded will launch them to the sky.
  • Ascend by pressing the Primary Key while gliding.
  • Elytrians have limited stamina used for ascending and launching.
  • Heavy Armor weakens effects of the ascend / launch ability and costs more stamina.
  • Shulks have a base armor of 3.
  • Sneaking grants up to 7 bonus defense, 1 bonus defense is lost and buildup is disabled for 30 seconds when taking a hit for over 3 hearts.
  • The Feline breaks stone 50% slower when not under the effect of strength or using a pickaxe with efficiency. Some tough stone variants can't be broken without strength or efficiency.
  • Claws deals increased base damage, but need to be resharpened using logs, wool or carpet.
  • Felines receive a 25% melee damage bonus.
  • Food made from Fish is more nourishing.
  • Night Vision is togglable.
  • Height, eye height and reach are increased.
  • Enderians will dodge smaller projectiles on a cooldown.
  • Teleporting via pearl grants an invincibility window against suffocation.
  • Merlings can craft tridents.
  • Merlings now have a body moisture resource to manage in order to not dry out.
  • Projectile and Melee attacks with Tridents deal more damage if the Merling is underwater.
  • Merlings can dash underwater while swimming on a cooldown.
  • Merling's Natural Spawn point is located in ocean biomes.
  • Burning Wrath has been reworked.
    • Pressing the Primary Key catches the Blazeborn on Fire for 30 seconds.
    • Can light Campfires, Fuel Furnei and Brewing stands when on fire.
  • Blazeborns can shoot a burst of 3 Fireballs.
  • Soul fire blocks and soulsand valley biomes grant duration-stacking saturation and regeneration .
  • Golden items and blocks have a repelling effect on phantoms.
    • Can't eat golden food.
    • Can't wear golden Armor.
    • Can't phase through pure golden blocks.
  • Phantoms can sense entities in a 32 block radius for 10 seconds.

Built-in Mod Compat

Bugs & Suggestions

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Licensed MIT
Published 3 years ago
Updated 13 days ago