Alli's Acid Rain

Alli's Acid Rain


A lightweight mod that gives Minecraft Vanilla's water a deadly and acidic twist.

Client and server Adventure

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What is this mod?

This mod is a lightweight mod that gives the game a dark and deadly twist. As of right now, most of the block textures are set to be the dark and muted textures. In future updates, I will set it up so that block modifications can be disabled. Water color, fog color, sky color, etc are able to be modified through the config files.

The lore behind it

Imagine an acid-wrecked wasteland. The sky is a sulfurous yellow and purple, the water - or what used to be water - is a bright acidic green, the rain is the same deadly green, and all foliage and plants are a washed-out gray or black. Water will kill you on contact, and rain will burn - but not all is lost! Find that it's raining and you're getting hurt? Put on any helmet and the helmet will take the damage for you. But watch it closely - eventually, the acid rain will eat right through it. Acid lakes and oceans are deadly to swim in - unless you have a chestplate enchanted with acid protection. Unbreaking will prolong the life of both your helmet and chestplate when exposed to acid. Acid has killed off all native aquatic life - though with your trusty fishing rod, you can catch a new breed of fish: the nightmare fish. Make sure you cook it though; you don't know what's in that water.

I've had a blast putting this mod out and I hope y'all enjoy it!

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago