Advanced Chat

Advanced Chat


A fabric mod that adds a bunch of useful multiplayer chat features to the game.

Server Utility

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A fabric mod that adds a bunch of useful multiplayer chat features to the game.


Data-driven chat channels

Allows you to add different channels that players can use to chat in (e.g. per-dimension, local, staff).

These channels are completely customizable.
By using predicates you can control exactly which players receive a message.
Next to that, you can also use placeholders to customize the prefix and actionbar text from the channel.

Player ignoring

Allows players to ignore others. This will make it so that chat messages from ignored players aren't shown to them.

Players also won't be able to send private messages to others that have ignored them, showing an error in chat.


Since this mod adds new ways of private conversations, it also includes a socialspy for staff with different modes.

These modes allow you to control which type of messages you want to 'spy' on, as all of them could be too much.

Text Filter

Allows you to filter specific text received from the client, like chat messages, commands, signs and books.

This is based on the vanilla realms filter, so it will also work with any other mods that use it.

Note: unless styled-chat is installed, messages are filtered on the client. This is needed for validation.
In this case, if a mod redirects chat messages to system messages they will NOT be filtered!

Mod support

This mod has built-in added support for several other mods.

For example, vanished players will be taken into account when sending messages and showing receivers.

It adds a new placeholder that mods overriding chat like styled-chat can use: %advancedchat:channelprefix%

Commands, Permissions and Configuration


  • /advancedchat save | reload - Saves / Reloads the configuration file and all the chat channels.

  • /chat <channel> - Lets you switch between chat channels that are available to you.

  • /chat <channel> <message> - Lets you send a message in the specified channel, without switching.

  • /reply <message> | /r <message> - Sends a private message to the last player you messaged.

  • /ignore <player> | /unignore <player> - Ignores / Unignores the specified player.

  • /socialspy all | channel | private | none - Lets you control which spy messages you want to receive.


  • advancedchat.command.reload - Permission to use the reload command.

  • advancedchat.command.socialspy - Permission to use the socialspy command.

  • advancedchat.bypass.ignore - Permission to bypass ignore.

  • Any permission added by the data-driven chat channels.


The configuration file can be found at /config/advancedchat.json

  "comment": "Before changing anything, see",
  // Decides if channels should display action bars.
  "actionbar": true,
  // Ticks between action bar updates. Very high values may cause the actionbar to lag behind in certain situations.
  "actionbarRefreshRate": 40,
  // If set to false, advancedchat will cancel ServerMessageEvents.CHAT_MESSAGE if the message was sent through a chat channel.
  // This may help prevent some mods like discord-bridges sending (private) channel messages in a public discord channel.
  "alwaysTriggerMessageEvent": false,
  // Text to display when hovering over a channel prefix. By default, it shows the names of everyone that received the chat message.
  // This excludes players who are either vanished or in spectator.
  "hoverText": "<dark_aqua>Receivers: <dark_gray>[${receivers}]</dark_gray>",
  "receiver": "<green>${player}</green>",
  "selfPrefix": "<dark_gray>[<aqua>Self</aqua>]</dark_gray> ",

  // Command feedback messages.
  "messages": {
    "switchedChannels": "<dark_aqua>Chat Mode -> <green>${channel}",
    "switchedSocialSpy": "<dark_aqua>Spy Mode -> <green>${mode}",
    "ignored": "<red>${player} is ignoring you.",
    "ignoredPlayer": "<dark_aqua>You are now ignoring <green>${player}",
    "unignoredPlayer": "<dark_aqua>You are no longer ignoring <green>${player}",
    "cannotIgnoreSelf": "<red>You cannot ignore yourself!",
    "alreadyIgnored": "<red>You are already ignoring ${player}!",
    "notAlreadyIgnored": "<red>You aren't ignoring ${player}!",
    "channelNotFound": "<red>Unable to find a channel with name '${name}'!"

  // Socialspy related configuration.
  "socialSpy": {
    // If enabled, logs private messages in the server logs.
    "logPrivateMessages": false,
    // Decides how socialspy messages should be formatted.
    "prefix": "<dark_gray>[<aqua>Spy</aqua>]</dark_gray> ",
    "privateMessage": "<dark_gray>[</dark_gray>${source} <gray>→</gray> ${target}<dark_gray>]</dark_gray> <gray>${message}",
    "channelMessage": "${channel}${sender} <dark_gray>»</dark_gray> ${message}"

  // Text filter configuration.
  "filter": {
    // Enables the text filter. 
    // This is based on the vanilla realms filter, so besides messages this will also work on signs, books, etc.
    "enabled": false,
    // By default, messages will only be sent as filtered to a client if they have text filtering enabled.
    // Setting this to true will make it filter messages regardless of the client's settings.
    "forceTextFiltering": false,
    // If enabled, logs whenever a message gets filtered in the server logs.
    "logFilteredMessages": true,
    // All the words that should be filtered.
    "filteredWords": [

  // Sound configuration for when a player receives a private message.
  // There is also one of these for when a player receives a message from a channel.
  "privateMessageSound": {
    // Decides if it should play sounds for these messages.
    "enabled": false,
    // The identifier of the sound event.
    "sound": "minecraft:block.note_block.bell",
    // The volume and pitch of the sound event.
    "volume": 0.5,
    "pitch": 0.6

  // An array of chat channels.
  // This is where you can add, remove and modify chat channels players can use.
  "channels": [
      // The name of the channel. This is used to identify them, so don't create multiple channels with the same name.
      "name": "world",
      // Allows you to disable the channel without removing it entirely.
      "enabled": true,
      // Flag to determine if a channel is only used by staff members. Mostly used for vanish support.
      "isStaff": false,
      // Permission required to join this channel. Without this permission, you also won't be able to see messages in this channel.
      "permission": "",
      // The optional actionbar text and channel prefixes to display to players inside the channel.
      // Both of these support placeholders.
      "actionbar": "<dark_aqua>Chat Mode: <green>%world:name%",
      "prefix": "<dark_gray>[<aqua>%world:name%</aqua>] ",
      // An optional minecraft (JSON) predicate, that allows you to control exactly who gets to view each message.
      // Supports any predicate registered through the Predicate API (
      "canSee": {
        // Vanilla distance predicate except it compares the worlds aswell.
        "type": "advancedchat:distance", 
        "value": {
          // Excludes players further than 256 blocks away from the sender horizontally.
          "horizontal": { 
            "min": 0.0,
            "max": 256.0

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 3 months ago