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  • Fix "automaticallly clear emi search at terminal open" not working by alikindsys


  • Reimplemented Bill of Materials Syncing by alikindsys

BoM Syncing allows for EMI to see the contents of your ME system on the synthetic favourites, crafting tree and craftables menu.

Only existing items are seen by EMI, this means that items which are craftable but none exist will count as missing.

As it is a feature that departs from the official AE2 integration, it was added as an optional feature which is disabled by default.

Users can now toggle settings using modmenu.


  • Make disabling ExMI recipes an toggleable feature by alikindsys

This update is a mostly total backport of the official AE2 Plugin to 1.20.1

A lot of code had to be adapted and rewritten because of it.

Some old features might have regressed, of note "viewing craftables" is one of them. I don't know if anyone used it, even if that was a feature which was advertised on the modrinth gallery.

I believe that what got added more then makes up for it, If you used this please send a feature request on the issue tracker and I'll try to re-implement it.



  • Register Custom Attunement Recipes by shartte¹
  • Change recipe rendering to be more in line with official plugin by alikindsys



  • Add Search Bar Syncing by leo60228¹
  • Add drag and drop support to all screens by T0pN1ck
  • Requesting existing crafting patterns with Ctrl + Click by alikindsys
  • Add blue highlight for Items/Patterns already present on the ME system by alikindsys


  • Add Entropy Manipulator Recipe Support by shartte¹
  • Add facade recipe support by shartte¹

Mod Integration

¹- Not their direct contribution, code used is attributed to them




Pattern Crafting Terminal

  • Fixes "Current Workstation does not support recipe" #7 by alikindsys


  • Clicking "Fill recipe" doesn't close EMI after filling #4 by Swedz - PR6


Pattern Crafting Terminal

  • Add support for dragging and dropping items from EMI by alikindsys
  • Add support for auto-filling processing patterns by alikindsys


  • Adds all recipes from Applied Energistics 2 as EMI categories by Chikage0o0
  • Fixes a problem where the mod sent crafting requests and filled Crafting CPUs without user confirmation.

Now EMI will only see the items that are available on the system, and only see craftable items if they are available.

Initial Version

Project members





Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago