New Spells:
- Wind Blade: Quick, low-cooldown instant-cast spell to launch a high-knockback projectile
- Dash: Analogous to the Teleport spell of the Ender school, a quick and versatile movement option
- Flush: Sponge but in spell form
Tempest Blade
A mystical sword with a blade made of intense, swirling air
And various bug fixes and balance changes
Added "asphyxiation_immune" tag for entities that cannot be targetted with Asphyxiate
Added "reflection_immune" tag for projectiles that cannot be deflected with Airblast or Wind Shield
Updated Wind Rune texture
Added Wind Affinity Ring texture
Airblast Spell
New spell! Fires a quick gust of air, only capable of reflecting projectiles in front of you. Unlike Wind Shield, it's guaranteed to reflect all incoming projectiles within a certain range back towards your enemies
Gust Spell
The "Gust" spell from Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks has been moved to the Wind school (previously under the Evocation school)
Gem's 'n Jewelry Integration
Wind Runes can be used in the rune-inscribed ring added by ISS.
Day One Patch (forgot to upload to Modrinth oops)
Fixes critical bug with loading gecko lib models.
Minor balance changes:
Can no longer target the same entity multiple times with Updraft The power of Airstep's extra jumps now scale with Wind spell power
First release!