Aikoyori Tweaks

Aikoyori Tweaks


Serverside Survival Tweaks mod for Fabric/Quilt

Server Game MechanicsUtility

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Aikoyori Tweaks

Survival Tweaks that I wanted. Originally made for my own Minecraft server but I think people will benefit if I share it.


  • Rapid Foliage Break: Makes leaves break faster and in a satisfying way
  • Allow Destripping: Ever got annoyed at someone for stripping your beautiful house's log pillar? Say no more! Right click stripped logs with an axe to get the unstripped version back! (Not recommended if you get something from stripping and you don't want infinite bark generator)
  • Disable Berry Bush Damage: It's really annoying to walk inside berry bushes, eh? You can disable the damage it does entirely!
  • Disable crop trampling: Running on the field shall not cause damage to your precious farmlands.
  • Change teleport item cooldown time: You can make it so it take 5 years to use ender pearl again or just remove the cooldown entirely!
  • More Cauldron Recipes: Wash glass and concretes by right clicking the cauldron!
  • Right click to harvest crops: No need to explain I suppose.
  • Disable Creeper Block Damage: Also self explanatory.
  • More Stone Generator: Generate Andesite, Blackstone and more. Good if your world generator mod has literally 0 Andesite and you want to progress in certain mods.


Everything is inside gamerule. By default, all the features are turned off. You have to EXPLICITLY turn it on using /gamerule command or other means of gamerule modification.


Client is not required for server play. You really only need it for singleplayer.

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 9 months ago