Steely Glint

Steely Glint


SimpleOres add-on that adds 4 iron alloys

Client and server DecorationEquipment

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I have ported akkamaddi's "Steely Glint" to 1.7.10. Since steel was added to Fusion, there was little point in porting this to later versions--I asked TheOldOne822 to merge it with his PigIron&Wootz add-on, to have all the iron and steel alloys in one place. On the other hand, since TheOldOne822 is no longer maintaining those mods, it may be worth reviving this mod for current versions of Minecraft.

It provides the alloys Refined Iron, High Steel, Low Steel, and Carbonized Iron, along with matching tools. Low Steel and High Steel armors exist.


..............Mining Lv...Uses...Mining Speed...Damage....Enchant..From
Iron ............ 2 [L1] . 250 ..... x6 .......... 2 ...... 14 .... (V)
High Steel ...... 3 ...... 375 ..... x10.5 ....... 3 ...... 22 .... SG
Refined Iron .... 2 ...... 450 ..... x8.5 ........ 3 ...... 18 .... SG
Wootz Steel ..... 2 ...... 500 ..... x8 .......... 2 ...... 10 .... HC
Carbonized Iron . 2 ...... 600 ..... x5 .......... 2 ...... 8 ..... SG
Low Steel ....... 2 ...... 750 ..... x7.5 ........ 2 ...... 14 .... SG

.................Ench....Dur...Helm Def...Chest Def...Leg Def...Boot Def
Chain (Iron) .... 12 .... 15 ... 1.0 ....... 2.5 ........ 2.0 ...... 0.5
Iron ............ 9 ..... 15 ... 1.0 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 1.0
High Steel ...... 23 .... 16 ... 1.5 ....... 3.5 ........ 3.0 ...... 1.5
Wootz Steel ..... 10 .... 16 ... 1.5 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 1.5
Low Steel ....... 13 .... 17 ... 1.5 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 1.5

(Wootz Steel is a plugin by TheOldOne, added for comparison.)

Steely Glint combines the Fusion Forge and Crafting Table to convert multiple iron ingots into Refined or Carbonized iron, and then Low or High Steel.

The process starts with Carbonized Iron and Refined Iron.

Making iron

Combining an Iron Ingot, using Gunpowder as a catalyst, with coal or charcoal produces a Medium Carbonized Iron Chunk. With bonemeal, a Medium Refined Iron Chunk is produced.

These chunks can be combined, using an additional compounding catalyst, to make a large Carbonized or Refined Iron Chunk.

Making large chunks

As they are, Carbonized Iron has a superior durability, while Refined Iron has a better cutting edge.

However, using more complex recipes, Low and High Steel can be produced.

Crafting Steel chunks

The recipe requires one bonemeal per Medium Refined Iron Chunk. Low Steel uses and additional Gunpowder as a compounding catalyst, while High Steel uses a lump of Redstone Dust as a catalyst. The rest of the table is filled with coal and/or charcoal. These recipes produce Large Low Steel (left, above) and Large High Steel chunks. (Note that at this time, Low Steel has a greenish tint, while High Steel has a blueish tint, to make differentiation easier. The images will be updated in the future.)

Low Steel has a very high durability, close to Mythril, making it an excellent utility material. High Steel is much more brittle, but has a much sharper cutting edge, including a harvest level of 3. High Steel will mine Obsidian.

While the Irons can only be used to make tools, the Steels can be used to make tools and armor.

There is an additional recipe, the Gritty Soot.

Making Gritty Soot

The fusion recipe for this is four sugars, four coal / charcoal, and two flint as the catalyst. These ten items combine to form one Gritty Soot. The lump of Gritty Soot can then be smelted into:


At this point, Steely Glint items do not appear in chests, and the appearance on mob generation is very limited.

Recycling can be enabled through the config. The Irons use coal / charcoal as a recycling catalyst. The Steels use gunpowder as a catalyst.

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Created 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago