


Turn everything into anything with Alchemancy!

Client and server CursedEquipmentMagic

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Version 1.1.1

+ Animal armor with Bouncy and Dense now triggers the same falling effects as boots.
+ Replaced the placeholder text in the Alchemancer's Journal landing page

Bug Fixes

* Fixed Bouncy crashing the game when activated by a non-player
* Fixed non-players not being affected by Bouncy boots
* Fixed Allergic looping indefinitely when activating a Property that grants the user a potion effect, causing the game to crash
* Fixed Alchemancy crashing the game when specific modded projectiles are fired (looking at you, Immersive Engineering railgun)

Version 1.1.0

+ Added 13 new Infusion Properties: Dexterous, Malleable, Enchanting, Cracked, Magic Resistant, Flimsy, Hardened, Compact, Allergic, Hydrophobic, Armor Pulse, Hearty, and Launching
+ A bunch of items that didn't already now have Dormant Properties. Most noticeably Lapis Lazuli, Sandstone, String, Clay, Bricks, Nether Bricks, and some Stone variants.
+ Added a new experimental feature under the Experiments tab during world creation. It gives a small chance for items found in chests and equipped by mobs to a random assortment of Infusion Properties. It's not yet properly tested, and it's not as flexible as i'd want it to be, but will be rolled into the base mod as a gamerule once it's ready
+ You can now infuse Written Books onto an item to give it Lore based on the book's first page
+ Blast Resistant, Magic Resistant, and Insulated now reduce incoming damage if the item is being held and used
+ Arcane and Wise now boost the item's enchantability
+ Loyal now works on every projectile. It will cause them to return to the thrower once they hit a block or entity
+ Loyal dropped items now follow the last player that had them in their inventory
+ Hellbent projectiles now trigger "On Critical Hit" Property effects when they hit an entity
+ Throwable projectiles now damage and drop themselves on impact instead of destroying themselves if the item has durability
+ Dead now disables the effects of Innate Properties
+ You can now set an undisguised item's disguise by stacking by right-clicking the disguise item over the item with Disguise
+ Made Throwable behave more reasonably with tool Properties (Digging, Reaping, Mining, and Chopping)
+ Rooted items with Energized now create a 20-tick redstone pulse when activated
+ Rocket-Powered now negates 75% of the user's gravity while it's being used
+ Dead and Toggleable now trigger their item use "effects" after every other property. This should allow them to synergize better with stuff
+ Added Infusion Property tag that determines which ones don't consume an Infusion Slot
+ Added Infusion Property tag that determines which ones prevent items from destroying blocks in creative
+ Added Infusion Property tag that allows users to disable the functionality of any Infusion Property
+ Added Limit Break x1000 to the Infusion Properties creative tab
- Removed Quantum Bind from the Infusion Properties creative tab, it still needs some time in the oven
- Loyal projectiles no longer phase through blocks. Phasing is now required for this behavior to occur
- Smiting now consumes 20 points of item durability
- Greatly reduced the speed at which Rocket-Powered propels you while gliding with an Elytra
- Reduced Rocket-Powered's flight speed by 20%. Rocket-Powered Boots remain unchanged
- Lowered Sharp's Attack Damage increase from 120% to 30%
* Light-Seeking no longer targets the source of the projectile
* Updated the colors for Smiting, Paradoxical, and Limit Break to cause less eye strain
* Updated the item texture for Paradox Pearls
* Slashing now prevents you from breaking blocks in creative
* Tweaked the origin position of Rocket-Powered's trail

Bug Fixes

* Fixed Properties that modify the item's tint (Tinted, Seethrough, Pristine, and Soulbind) not doing so when Sodium is present
* Fixed helmets with Aquatic increasing Oxygen when worn on the chestplate slot, instead of the head slot
* The Ender Dragon can no longer be Captured
* Fixed Exploding not dealing damage to the target
* Fixed a typo in the word "Calcareous"

Special Thanks to Chichi and RoseProse for playtesting the update and helping determine Dormant Properties

Version 1.0.2

+ Wayfinding and Wayward Warp now make a sound when a target is set
+ Wayfinding now spins randomly if bound to a player that is offline or in a different dimension, instead of falling back to its default behavior
+ Added recipe to turn Azaleas into Flowering Azaleas by infusing them with Flourish, this recipe also applies to their Leaves block counterparts

Bug Fixes

* Fixed some items losing their Dormant Properties due to one of the changes in 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1

+ Gave Dormant Properties to items in the c:furnaces and c:brushes tags
+ Burning now increases its inflicted fire duration for each level of Fire Aspect and Flame
+ Assembling now copies Property Data, Custom Name, Banner Patterns, Enchantment Glint, Dye Color, and a couple of other Item Components to the result item.
+ Hollow items now drop their contents when they break

Bug Fixes

* Fixed Infusion Properties not triggering their "Used on block" effects. This should allow Rooted, Bucketing, Encapsulating, Firestarting, Loose, Flattened, Brushing, Capturing, and Wayward Warp (including the Wayward Medallion item) to work correctly
* Fixed Assembling crashing the game when no available ingredients are present in the user's inventory

Version 1.0.0

  • Added Blazeblooms, a new type of flora found growing near lava in The Nether
  • Added Alchemical Extract, an ingredient obtained from brewing Blazeblooms
  • Added Alchemancy Forge and Infusion Pedestals, the main workstation of the mod
  • Added over 140 Infusion Properties
  • Added Lead Ingots, Tools, and Armor
  • Added Dreamsteel Ingots, Nuggets, and Tools
  • Added Blank Pearls, Revealing Pearls, Glowing Orbs, Paradox Pearls, and Scoping Lenses
  • Added Pearlescent Rings, unique items that let you trigger certain Property effects from anywhere in your inventory
  • Added 4 rings with unique abilities
  • Added Property Visor, Wayward Medallion, and Rocket-Powered Hammer
  • Added JEI Support
  • Added Patchouli guide that covers the basics of the mod

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Licensed ARR
Published a month ago
Updated 23 days ago