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Bring back old features to new versions of Minecraft!

Client and server UtilityWorld Generation

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Main Changes

  • Added a near-complete woof set for Petrified Oak, including Stripped wood, doors, and trapdoors!
  • The petrifying mechanic will be added soon, as of right now it is still via crafting together a log or stripped oak log with honeycomb in the grafting grid.

Known Issues

1.20-1.20.2 are incompatible due to a backend change making them incompatible. Will back a backport hotfix for them.

0.1.1 Hotfix!

Main Changes

  • Red Rose, Blue Rose, Paeonia, and Shrub can all go in flower pots
  • Crushed Gravel is named properly in all BIC supported languages
  • All textures for flowers and plants in the mod have been optimized and removed of pseudo-transparent pixels.

Download the 0.1.1-1.20.1 for full 1.20-1.20.4 support. This will be for the main mod in 0.1.2 and onwards

0.1.0 Release!

Main Changes

  • Updated to work on 1.20.4
  • Redid ItemGroup Building
  • Added Petrified Wood Set
    • Re-Textured Petrified Oak Wood as well!
  • Fixed Crushed Gravel
    • Name will be fixed next patch
  • Big update to all BIC supported languages (EN_US, EN_UK, FR_FR, ZH_CN)
  • Resized many oversized textures back to 16x16
  • Squid are the main aquatic mob of Azure Oceans along with some Glow Squids!
  • Fixed small_flowers, slabs, stairs, logs, planks, mineable/pickaxe tags

With this update, it is fair to say the Mod is stable enough with enough content to be an official release!

Thanks for sticking with me!

Note 1: Hotfixes will probably be done fairly often over the next week to patch sudden unforseen bugs.

Note 2: The mod can technically run on any version 1.19.4 and above, but it is made for 1.20.4, all below versions are unsupported with any bugs found.

Ported to 1.20.2 Expect bugs, but this will be updated in unison as much as possible.

Full Changelog:


Added Flower Features

  • Red Rose Feature
  • Blue Rose Feature
  • Shrub Feature
  • Paeonia Feature
  • Reb/Blue Rose Feature

Fixed Flower hitbox and recipe bugs Fixed some minor Translation issues Fixed Cauldron and some block models Added Roses, Shrubs, and Paeonias to natural generation

  • Shrubs generate in all savanna biomes
  • Paeonias generate in all "Old Growth" biomes
  • Roses generare in custom biomes (ancient forest, rainforest, ice desert)

Updated to 0.0.7

Note: The mod is getting fairly stable to where a 0.1.0 is looking more likely soon, which means it will be marked as a full release!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

Thanks to @AmyMialee for the work optimizing all of my bulk code, so now the mod should run faster than ever!

Gist of Changes:

  • Cauldron Brewing is slightly fancier.
  • Debug Block is added to test future things. Expect it to change a lot over time.
  • Fabric Version updated to 0.87.0
  • Optimized adding new blocks and items to speed up performance.


Full Changelog:

In this release many, MANY new features are added!

Turtle Master Cauldron Brewing is implemented! (Uses modern potion color) All potion cauldrons can be silk touched with a pickaxe to move them, but the lang and models for them are not fixed yet. Fixed all blocks to have a tool to harvest and have proper loot tables. Implemented The first bits of the Nether Reactor Core!

  • Right click it in its formation with a flint and steel to activate.
  • It will spawn some piglins and possibly blazes (very finnicky)
  • After a few seconds the spawner goes away leaving glowing obsidian and nether gold ore.
  • The Tower around is not added just yet, that is being prepared now. New creative tab is added! It will be on a page two of the inventory, but it is there!

One final announcement for this being an official release!

The mod has been tested and works on Quilt with the Quilted Fabric API!!!

Hope you all enjoy!

Full Changelog:

All potions (except for turtle master) have been added into the cauldron brewing system! They are brewed just like normal potions are (like what ingredients go in what order). The nerf to them, to encourage normal brewing, is that only the first level can be made at minimum time.

  • Example: Only Speed 1 at 3 mins can be made without any edits (no splash potion or extended time). The Night Vision, Water Breathing, and Fire Resistance cauldrons have been renamed in the code to not clash with the default water and lava cauldrons and to differentiate them more. The block IDs in game are unchanged, but will change soon.

0.0.5 will be the first beta release (no longer labelled on GitHub as a pre-release) as I plan on having it very playable by that point.

Full Changelog:

This is a small release, 0.0.4 will be the big one, but this is the start of cauldron brewing.

The code is set up once more to work like it always did for potions!

Rainforests have more Jungle Trees now, as their priority now comes before the regular forest trees in biome creation.

I also changed the colors of the biomes to be less harsh and made the Azure Ocean match the old blue it had.

Full Changelog:

Note, I set this as an alpha release, but once more features come I will make this a beta release and then a full one soon after!

What's New?


Added Ancient Forest, Rainforest, Ice Desert, and Azure Oceans!

  • The Ancient Forest is a lime green classic look in modern Minecraft!
  • The Rainforest is a lush forest, but not quite a jungle yet!
  • Ice Deserts are even sparser snowy plains! With frigid trees that may become pure white in a future update!
  • Azure Oceans are the large oceans from the previous version, but with even more blue!

Added French Language!

  • This is still really early into development, but the French Lang file has been added and given the same compatibility as the rest!
  • lemmings189 kindly added the language and I did some slight edits to it!
  • More will be added to it in the future, sorry for any grammatical errors!


Back in Classic - Fabric Version 0.0.1!

Hi everyone! As you can see, I have been hard at work on the transfer over to Fabric 1.19.4 to keep the mod going. Forge became a hindrance in my development so all versions going forward will be Fabric and hopefully Quilt!

Now, you all want to know what is in this version, don't you?

What's New

All previous blocks are ported over! (Items coming very soon) None of the original functionality is ported over. You must use /give currently to get the blocks. Almost all loot tables are ported over, with several known to be broken but they will not cause crashes.

New properties for blocks!

Wax Blocks bounce you like slime! Glowing Obsidian gives a light level of 10! Nether Reactor Core gives a light level of 12! Crushed Gravel falls! Classic Nether Portal gives off a light of 9! Cave Rose and Wild Rose are now Red and Blue Rose!

The Source Link for this mod will change soon to be the Fabric Repository! Post any issues you have over there in the issues tab!


Along with finishing a majority of additions, it is time to introduce a new release type called Devs!

These devs have bugfixes and changes and are the main public snapshot. It is rare for two of them to appear!

Changes in 0.8.2 Dev:

Added a config file!

  • Filename is back_in_classic-common.toml

  • Removed gamerules from in game for the config.

  • Works faster than any commands did before!

Reworked Sharpshot Enchantment!

  • Decreases damage at higher levels in trade for farther distance.

  • Sharpshot 5 removes 20% of damage currently, but it may be even less damage at release.

Sounds for Reach Around are modified.

  • Still incorrect much of the time, but they should be more reliable and less broken.


  • Removed unused code (commented out chunks that were bloat).

  • Removed right click check preventing Glowing Obsidian from being interacted with properly.

  • Removed ability for Bow to still draw despite the Instant Shot property being enabled.

  • Renamed infinitewater rule to infinitefluids as it interacts with Lava.

  • Corrected links in modlist when viewing in game.


Full Changelog on Github

Note: I removed the C418 music after being informed that I was using it without the proper rights. I implore everyone to update now.

Added Wax Block -Crafted From 4 Honey Blocks to get 4 Wax -Put on Campfire to turn back to Honey Blocks. -Hoe to Mine.

Edited Sod Block -Fixed Broken Model -Breaks with Hoe

Added ReachAround Gamerule -Defaults to true, setting to false disables reacharound placement. -Created due to a few placement bugs that are known.

Final Note -This is the last update adding removed features, now I am going to add backports of newer updates with my own additions.

Added Cogwheels, Crushed Gravel, and many other changes seen in the changelog.

Full Changelog:

Fixed Reach-Around (Bug id 18) Added creepers_explode_death gamerule (automatically false, but will be set to true) to control the creepers exploding after death as that can be too annoying. Updated all biomes to properly spawn the correct mobs in correct amounts. Added Dirt and Sod Slabs (Dirt and Grass Block Slabs) to recall to the original dirt slabs being in game. Sod Slabs are only the colour of Alpha Foliage, so use them to brighten up your builds!

Full Changelog:

Added reach-around mechanic (I am not writing much on this since the page refreshed and wiped my writing). When on a block, looking down between 42.7 and 61.0 degrees, you will place the block in your hand in front of you! Looking down further can place even lower if there is a neighboring block.

Disclaimer: No code was copied from anywhere else, I got inspiration from Vazkii and Mojang for this mechanic as it is bedrock parity!

Full Changelog:

Added dyeable shulkers! (bedrock parity) Added lava cauldron! (bedrock parity) Hitbox for lava cauldron properly damages the player!

Full Changelog:

Added Cauldron Brewing. -Brews work like brewing stands, but no matter which ones are made, it all must come from an Awkward Cauldron. -All potions, excluding turtle master, splash, lingering, or extended/intensified potions exist (all simple potions can be made) -Check out the wiki brewing guide, you will need one of each ingredient per potion! -Brewing Guide -Note: It is made so expensive as to not undermine brewing stands. Brewing stands are the way to go, this is just a fast alternative for a fast potion, but you cannot modify said potion.

Fixed Flower Placement: -Made Wild Roses and Shrubs much harder to find, decreasing their rates of spawning up to 95% in some cases. -Extended the biome range of Paeonias, now spawning in flower forests, taigas, and Swamp Hills as well! -Cave Roses can now periodically spawn on land, now able to be placed on grass like other flowers, but they can still be on stone as well!

Fixed Wool Duplication: -Punching sheep now compares their health so only undamaged sheep will drop their wool as items. -If you invest in regen potions, duplication is possible, but it is complicated, leaving the technical side open to experimentation.

Added Large Ocean Biome: -Grey/Gray and full of nothing, like oceans used to be. This was created to be a very common biome to call back to the endless oceans before the 1.7 biome update. -Spawns nearly anywhere, sometimes more common than actual oceans! -Some entities don't spawn in the ocean, so it may be strangely peaceful, but it can be too an eerie way.

Fixed a ton of bugs!

If any are found be sure to let me know in the issues tab right beside the code tab!

Enjoy this release as we get closer to completing this giant mod!

Fixed Name Error from CaultronBrewingProcedure to CauldronBrewingProcedure.

Fixed Version error via update (was 3-1 when it was supposed to be 3.1, that is fixed in future versions)

Fixed bottle duplication and no item loss in cauldron brewing.

Fixed Xray glitch with cauldrons.

Added more biomes for the Paeonia Flower to spawn in since it was too rare. Now spawning in taigas, tall birch forests, and swamp hills (along with more biomes)

Next Beta is a Pre-Release for 0.7.0

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Licensed MIT
Published 3 years ago
Updated 8 months ago