Better Bridging

Better Bridging


The Bridge Brace makes bridging in Minecraft more straightforward than ever!

Client and server Utility

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fixed KeyMappings being loaded on the server in some cases, crashing the server on startup

  • made the placement validation use the given block rather than only the default blockstate, fixing #4
  • made the placement validation use the given block rather than only the default blockstate, fixing #4
  • fixed manual ItemStack count update taking too many items away when filling gaps smaller than the set bridging width

Initial 1.20.4 release

Initial 1.18.2 release

Initial 1.19.4 release

Initial 1.29.2 port

Better Bridging

Better Bridging is a tiny mod that adds one new item: The Bridge Brace. With it, you can now place blocks in rows of 3, instead of one at a time, making building walls, floors and bridges far easier!

To craft it, simply place three planks of any variety diagonally in a Crafting Table, and voila!

With the Widening Enchantment, coming in two levels, you can expand the scope of the Bridge Brace further to a whopping 5, and then 7 blocks across!

Happy building!

For more of our mods, check us out at Infernal Studios!

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Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 10 months ago
Updated 10 months ago