Better Loot

Better Loot


Better Loot completely overhauls Vanilla loot tables and makes them more rewarding!

Server AdventureGame MechanicsWorld Generation

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  • Better Loot is finally here with its first release! I worked a lot on this mod and hope you'll like it.

❔ What is Better Loot?

  • Better Loot as a datapack and a Fabric mod that completely overhauls Minecraft's default loot tables.

💚 Emerald is the Main Economic Unit!

  • Emeralds now generate with a 100% chance in every single chest. Better Loot makes emeralds the main economic unit of Minecraft. By opening every chest, you'll be rewarded with emeralds.

💙 Make Diamonds Precious and Rare Again!

  • Diamond became a common and unnecessary source in game. Better Loot makes diamonds rare again by decreasing diamonds' generation chances in chests.

🧡 Better Loot!

  • Nether Fortresses, End Cities and Ancient Cities... Their loots are terrible and Better Loot is here to fix that. Better Loot overhauls every single chest and make them more rewarding!

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Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago