


• BlanketEconomy is a mod that adds virtual economy as well as item type economy, which makes it very customizable and easy to use. • Cobblemon Support

Server EconomyManagementUtility

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BlanketEconomy is a powerful and customizable economy mod designed for Minecraft servers that provides a flexible system for managing currencies, player balances, and economic transactions. Whether you're running a small community server or a large-scale network, BlanketEconomy can be tailored to suit your needs with its easy-to-use commands, flexible configuration options, and support for multiple currencies.

Key Features

  • Multiple Currency Support: Create and manage multiple currencies with unique names, lore, materials, and identifiers to suit your server's economy.
  • Custom Item Integration: Use Minecraft items with custom model data and lore as physical currency representations.
  • Database Integration: Supports MySQL or SQLite databases to store player balances and economic data persistently. Also provides an option for local JSON storage.
  • Dynamic Economy System: Set starting balances for new players, manage transactions, and track player balances across currencies.
  • Server Console Compatibility: Execute all commands directly from the server console for full administrative control.
  • Integrated Permissions: Offers fine-grained permission control to manage player access to specific economy actions.
  • Highly Configurable: Customize messages, GUI interfaces, currency settings, and more through an intuitive JSON configuration system.

Commands & Permissions

The BlanketEconomy mod provides a range of commands for managing the economy. Below is a list of commands with a brief description and their associated permissions:

/beco balance <currencyType>

  • Permission: blanketeconomy.balance
  • Displays the player's current balance for the specified currency type.

/beco balance <player> <currencyType>

  • Permission: blanketeconomy.balance.others
  • Displays another player's balance for the specified currency type.

/beco pay <amount> <player> <currencyType>

  • Permission:
  • Transfers a specified amount of currency to another player.

/beco add <amount> <player> <currencyType>

  • Permission: blanketeconomy.add
  • Adds a specified amount of currency to a player's balance.

/beco remove <amount> <player> <currencyType>

  • Permission: blanketeconomy.remove
  • Removes a specified amount of currency from a player's balance.

/beco deposit <currencyType>

  • Permission: blanketeconomy.deposit
  • Converts in-game items representing a currency into balance.

/beco withdraw <amount> <currencyType>

  • Permission: blanketeconomy.withdraw
  • Withdraws a specified amount of currency as an item stack for trading or holding.

/beco reload

  • Permission: blanketeconomy.reload
  • Reloads the mod configuration without requiring a server restart.

/beco top

  • Permission:
  • Displays a leaderboard of players with the highest balances for a specified currency.


The configuration for BlanketEconomy is highly customizable and can be easily adjusted to fit the needs of your server. The config file (config/blanketeconomy/config.json) allows you to set up various settings for the economy.

  • Define custom currencies with unique settings (name, lore, material, symbol, etc.).
  • Set starting balances for each currency.
  • Enable or disable features like withdrawals, deposits, and transfers for specific currencies.
  • Customize all in-game messages, supporting color codes and placeholders.
  • Configure database settings for persistent storage.

Adding New Currencies To add a new currency to the economy system, follow these steps:

  • Locate the Configuration File: Open the config/blanketeconomy/config.json file located in your server's config folder.

  • Define a New Currency: Add a new entry in the economy list within the config file.

Each currency entry must include:

  • name: The display name of the currency.
  • lore: A description or lore for the currency item.
  • material: The Minecraft item type that represents the currency (e.g., minecraft:gold_ingot).
  • custommodeldata: Custom model data for the item, if applicable.
  • currencyType: A unique identifier for the currency (e.g., gold_coin).
  • balanceStart: The starting balance for new players for this currency.
  • symbol: Symbol to represent the currency (e.g., $).
  • isPrimary: Set to true if this is the primary currency.
  • transfer: Enable or disable /beco pay features.
  • withdraw: Enable or disable /beco withdraw features.


      "name": "&eCobble Coin",
      "lore": [
        "&8This is a &bcurrency",
        "&8Lore 2"
      "material": "minecraft:paper",
      "custommodeldata": 7381,
      "currencyType": "cobblecoins",
      "balanceStart": 500,
      "symbol": "$",
      "isPrimary": true,
      "transfer": true,
      "withdraw": true

EX: For Sqlite Database

"localSave": false,
  "databaseSave": true,
  "database": {
    "type": "sqlite",
    "host": null,
    "port": null,~~~~
    "databaseName": "economy.db",
    "username": null,
    "password": null

EX: For MySQL/MongoDB/PostgreSQL Database

"localSave": false,
  "databaseSave": true,
  "database": {
    "type": "mysql", // here you set which type of database to use the plugin!
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 3306,
    "databaseName": "economy",
    "username": "root",
    "password": "password"
  • Save and Reload: After adding the new currency, save the config file and use the /beco reload command to apply the changes.




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Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 6 months ago
Updated a month ago