


A simple Kits system designed for Minecraft Fabric servers Compatible whit any mod! EX: Cobblemon etc...

Server EconomyEquipmentManagementUtility

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BlanketKits is a fully customizable kit system designed for Minecraft Fabric servers. It allows server administrators to create, manage, and configure kits that players can claim based on cooldowns, permissions, and other settings.

📜 Features:

  • ✅ Fully Configurable Kits - Define kits in JSON format, including items, enchantments, names, lore, commands, cooldowns, and more.
  • ✅ Custom GUI Menus - Beautifully designed and configurable inventory GUIs for kit selection and previews.
  • ✅ Custom Enchantment & NBT Support - Kits retain all item properties, including enchantments, custom model data, and NBT tags.
  • ✅ Cooldown & Claim Limits - Set cooldowns and maximum claims per kit.
  • ✅ Permission-Based Access - Restrict specific kits using LuckPerms or any permission plugin.
  • ✅ Command Execution - Run custom commands when a player claims a kit.
  • ✅ Custom Sounds - Play unique sounds when a kit is claimed or when it's on cooldown.
  • ✅ Language & Message Customization - Edit all messages, GUI titles, and lore with full RGB color support.
  • ✅ Player Data Storage - Track kit usage, cooldowns, and claims in individual player JSON files.

⚙️ Commands:

  • /kits - Opens the main kits GUI where players can browse and claim kits.
  • /kit claim <kit> - Claim a specific kit if available.
  • /kit give <kit> <player> - Admin command to give a kit to another player.
  • /kit remove <kit> - Deletes a kit from the configuration.
  • /kit create <kit> - Creates a new kit in kits folder.
  • /kit preview <kit> - Opens a GUI preview of a specific kit.
  • /kit reload - Reloads the kit configuration without restarting the server.

🔒 Permissions:

  • kit.claim - Allows players to claim kits using /kit claim <kit>
  • kits.view - Allows players to open the kits menu with /kits
  • kit.preview - Allows players to preview a kit with /kit preview <kit>
  • kit.create - Allows admins to create new kits using /kit create <kit>
  • kit.give - Allows admins to give kits to players using /kit give <kit> <player>
  • kit.remove - Allows admins to remove kits using /kit remove <kit>
  • kit.reload - Allows admins to reload the kits configuration with /kit reload
  • kit.<kit_name> - Grants access to a specific kit by name

📝 Configurable Menus:

  • Kit Selection Menu - A GUI for browsing kits, with customizable slots, fill items, and pagination.
  • Kit Preview Menu - A GUI that previews kit contents before claiming.
  • Fully Customizable - All GUI elements (buttons, titles, filler blocks, navigation buttons) are fully configurable via menu.json and menu_preview.json.

📂 Configuration Files:

  • 📁 /config/blanketkits/config.json - Stores general settings, cooldowns, and messages.
  • 📁 /config/blanketkits/kits/ - Stores individual kit configurations in JSON format.
  • 📁 /config/blanketkits/menu.json - Configures the kit selection GUI.
  • 📁 /config/blanketkits/menu_preview.json - Configures the kit preview GUI.

📃 Config Ex:

  "name": "Starter",
  "onJoin": false,
  "cooldown": "1h",
  "claims": true,
  "maxClaims": 5,
  "permission": "kit.adventurestarter",
  "costMoney": false,
  "cost": 100,
  "claimSound": "minecraft:entity.player.levelup",
  "cooldownSound": "",
  "displayItem": {
    "material": "minecraft:diamond_sword",
    "amount": 1,
    "displayname": "&bKit Starter",
    "lore": [
      "&7A powerful kit to begin your journey!",
      "&aIncludes enchanted tools and a food!"
    "cooldownLore": true,
    "enchantEffect": true,
    "slot": 20
  "items": [
      "material": "minecraft:diamond_sword",
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": [
          "name": "minecraft:sharpness",
          "level": 50
          "name": "minecraft:unbreaking",
          "level": 10
      "displayname": "&bStarter Sword",
      "lore": [
        "&7A reliable sword for adventure!"
      "cooldownLore": false,
      "enchantEffect": true,
      "slot": 10
      "material": "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe",
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": [
          "name": "minecraft:efficiency",
          "level": 3
          "name": "minecraft:unbreaking",
          "level": 2
      "displayname": "&bStarter Pickaxe",
      "lore": [
        "&7Mine faster with efficiency!"
      "cooldownLore": false,
      "enchantEffect": false,
      "slot": 11
      "material": "minecraft:diamond_axe",
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": [
          "name": "minecraft:efficiency",
          "level": 3
          "name": "minecraft:unbreaking",
          "level": 2
      "displayname": "&bStarter Axe",
      "lore": [
        "&7Chop trees with ease!"
      "cooldownLore": false,
      "enchantEffect": false,
      "slot": 12
      "material": "minecraft:diamond_shovel",
      "amount": 1,
      "enchants": [
          "name": "minecraft:efficiency",
          "level": 3
          "name": "minecraft:unbreaking",
          "level": 2
      "displayname": "&bStarter Shovel",
      "lore": [
        "&7Dig through dirt effortlessly!"
      "cooldownLore": false,
      "enchantEffect": false,
      "slot": 13
  "commands": [
      "command": "give %player% minecraft:cooked_beef 32",
      "displayItem": {
        "material": "minecraft:cooked_beef",
        "amount": 32,
        "displayname": "&6Starter Food",
        "lore": [
          "&7Receive 32 cooked beef for your adventure!"
        "cooldownLore": false,
        "enchantEffect": false,
        "slot": 30

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Licensed MIT
Published 16 days ago
Updated 6 days ago