I need your help
Currently mod is in beta. If you find any bugs, please report them on Github
Boat HUD is a client-side mod for Fabric that recreates hud indicators from Need For Speed Most Wanted 2005. Every indicator can be moved or disabled. Additionally, adds some advanced features to make boat racing more enjoyable. Usually use it with Subaru Impreza resource pack
At the moment, there are four different indicators: Speedometer, map, race status and leaderboard. You can choose their positions and rendering as you want
Race mode (Boatlabs, Frosthex, BRWC only)
Modes change automatically
- Speedometer (speed in km/h, speed in bl/s, speed in ice types, drift angle)
- Map (track in "3d" without other blocks, other players in boats)
- Race Status (pos, pits, laps)
- Leaderboard (pos, name, time delta, pits for each player)
Time trial mode (Boatlabs, Frosthex, BRWC only)
Modes change automatically
- Speedometer (speed in km/h, speed in bl/s, speed in ice types, drift angle, checkpoint time status: better than best - green, same as best - yellow, worse than best - red)
- Map (track in "3d" without other blocks, other players in boats)
- Race Status (pos, current lap, previous lap)
- Leaderboard (pos, name, best lap for each player)
Session mode (Boatlabs, Frosthex, BRWC only)
Modes change automatically
- Speedometer (speed in km/h, speed in bl/s, speed in ice types, drift angle, checkpoint time status: better than best - green, same as best - yellow, worse than best - red)
- Map (track in "3d" without other blocks, other players in boats)
- Race Status (pos, current lap, previous lap)
- Leaderboard (your previous laps)
Single-player mode (in single-player or non-boat servers)
- Speedometer (speed in km/h, speed in bl/s, speed in ice types, drift angle)
- Map (track in "3d" without other blocks, other players in boats)
Advanced settings
As I said, there are 6 advanced settings to change default minecraft hud when you is boating:
- Move chat above the map
- Move health and hunger bars to the down side of screen
- Render default scoreboard
- Render default overlay (text stroke above the hotbar)
- Render hotbar and xp level
- Render health and hunger bars
This mod is based on Fabric, so you need Fabric API. I suggest to use Mod menu and Cloth Config API to configure the mod
Based on the BoatHud by Hibi, specifically it's way to render hud indicators