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Numerous small bug fixes were backported from 1.20.4, including:

  • A small fix for incorrect objective count being generated to match rewards in specific conditions
  • Other mods with bad sidedness will no longer cause a crash when attempting to read our item names on the server side (Looking at you, LootBeams, MahouTsukai and GriefDefender!)
  • Items are no longer voided when an item is on your cursor and the bounty board gui is closed


  • Added a %RANDOM_INT(1, 4)% preprocessor value for commands - this will be replaced with a number between 1 and 4, for example.


  • Players can no longer kill themselves with arrows or potions or anything else in order to fulfill minecraft:player entity objectives.


  • Fixed a rare crash where a villager would forget where the bounty board is located.
  • TODO: Fix items being voided if the player closes their inventory with a stack attached to their cursor.

[7.0.2] Fixed a crash when playing with both Lithium and Bountiful and entering a game.

[7.0.1]: Fix crash on startup with Fabric.

7.0.0 is a big immersion and quality of life update for Bountiful, adding new ways for the Bounty Board to interact with Villagers. A tweaked configuration system makes it easier for modpack makers to configure Bountiful. As such, old config files and datapacks that overwrote existing Bountiful data may not function correctly in this version.



  • Added processor lists, so that bounty boards can generate with a different look, depending on which village it generates in.
  • After turning in a bounty, a villager (preferably one who matches the profession of the items you sold them), if available, will walk up to the board and pick up their goods.
    • The villager will receive some trade XP for doing this - even more if their profession did match, and based on board reputation.
    • If the villager is currently busy, this will happen once they are free.
  • The way the board's bounties are refreshed has been updated - now, bounties that have been on the board the longest have the highest chances of being removed first.
    • This should reduce the number of old bounties that 'happen' to stay on the board through dumb luck (or rather, misfortune)
  • Added advancements! There are now 7 advancements.
  • The board will now appear to update in the time you've been gone even when the chunk is unloaded. It does this by playing catch-up when the chunk reloads.
  • Potions, Tipped Arrows and probably a few other items with dynamic names will now be displayed correctly in bounty tooltips.
  • Enchantments on enchanted books are now displayed in bounty tooltips.
  • Decrees and Bounties can now be composted in NeoForge (previously a Fabric-only feature), bringing seemingly full parity between Fabric and NeoForge versions.
  • Decrees will now show up rarely in the list of trades offered by Wandering Traders.


  • Decrees now have three new, optional fields:
    • canSpawn determines whether a bounty board can spawn with this Decree in it (default: true)
    • canReveal determines whether a blank Decree can be revealed to be this Decree when placed on the board (default: true)
    • canWanderBuy determines whether this Decree can be found in the stocks of Wandering Traders (default: true)
  • Added a new config option, board.canBreak, that determines whether bounty boards can be broken (default: true)
  • Added a new config option, bounty.allowDecreeMixing (default: true)
    • When enabled, will pull randomly from all Decrees on a board when creating a bounty.
    • When disabled, it will pull from only one Decree at random when creating a bounty.
  • Added a new config option, bounty.reverseMatchingAlgorithm (default: false).
    • By default, Bountiful picks rewards randomly and then picks a number of objectives that total up to the same value as the rewards.
    • If enabled, the reverse happens: Bountiful picks objectives randomly then finds rewards that total up to the same value as the objectives.
    • This also means that, effectively, maxNumRewards suddenly limits the number of objectives instead, and objectiveDifficultyModifierPercent suddenly affects how good of rewards you get instead.
  • Added a new modpack maker tool, the Decree Analyzer. It can be accessed via /bo util analyzer
    • This new tool allows users to find 'holes' Decrees, where rewards might not have suitable objectives and vice-versa.
  • Added warning log messages to help notify the user when their config data seems erroneous.
  • Added a new command, /bo util configToDataPack [packFileName] [packDescInQuotes] that creates a datapack from Bountiful's current config folder. It gets placed into the config folder as [packFileName].zip.


  • The board layout for objectives and rewards is now centered, with an arrow dividing the objectives and rewards.
    • Hopefully this is a visually pleasing change, I will be looking at user feedback to see how it is received.
  • Much better handling and notification of possible config file errors via the log.
  • Reformatted the config, making it easier for users without ClothConfig to understand.
  • Updated translations. TODO("Add new localization listing and authors)
  • The Forge release distribution has been changed to NeoForge for the foreseeable future.
    • We may re-evaluate this in the future, but for right now, it seems to be the trend.


  • Fixed an extremely rare crash on Forge when loading dynamic textures and the user has hundreds of mods
  • Fixed shift-clicking of items between slots on the bounty board
  • Fixed an issue where boards might show that they are receiving a discount higher than the max of 40% (purely cosmetic)


  • Implemented the new item group system, so that items will once again show up in creative tabs, as well as in JEI.
  • Added processor lists, so that bounty boards can generate with a different look depending which village it generates in.
  • Added Numismatic Overhaul compat for Fabric.
  • Updated translations.
  • Added a default single localization override for Decrees


  • Fixed the "missing ops" cosmetic issue upon world load.

Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when loading objective/reward entries from certain decrees.

[2.0.0] for 1.18 - 2021-11-20


  • A new GUI interface for bounty boards
  • Item Tag bounties
  • e.g. get 10 of any type of wool
  • Item bounties derived from item tag
  • e.g. picks a type of wool and asks you to get 10 of it
  • Command rewards for bounties (intended for modpack makers)
  • runs a command when the bounty completes
  • Bounty boards in villages (as well as newly crafted boards) come pre-populated with bounties
  • Added a slider for bounty objective frequency


  • Fixed a problem with bounty board generation in villages
  • Fixed an issue with reputation levels over 30 being allowed


  • Lightly rebalanced many objectives and added some new rewards
  • Lowered default bounty board generation frequency

Project members




Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 months ago