Bovines and Buttercups (Mooblooms)

Bovines and Buttercups (Mooblooms)


A reimagining of Mojang's Moobloom mob.

Client and server Decoration Mobs

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  • Fixed Camellia Mooblooms being able to be bred from Pink Daisy flowers instead of Camellia flowers.

2.2.0 - The Texterity (and Partial Backport) Update

Major Changes

  • Reflavoured Bird of Paradise to Alstroemeria.
    • Birds of Paradise are far more linked to Jungles than Savannas, and Tropical Blues already fulfil the Savanna niche. So the change happened to make this orange flower fulfil the Savanna niche far more.
    • There is backwards compatibility implemented for converting blocks, items, and items on vanilla block entities and entities.
    • Cross-mod backwards compatibility may be impossible, so please make sure to put any Bird of Paradise items away from modded (block) entities, and to allow players a free cheat card if they don't do this.
    • Language entries may be inaccurate after this change, but they were already so shrug.
  • You may now convert a regular Cow into a Moobloom or Mooshroom by hitting them with lightning in the new cow's origin biome.
    • Strike a cow with lightning in a Flower Forest for a Buttercup Moobloom.
    • Strike a cow with lightning in a Mushroom Fields for a Red Mooshroom.
  • Nightshade Mooblooms now warn bees away from their poisonous flowers.
  • Updated the model of the Freesia and Alstroemeria Mooblooms to match the upcoming Warm cow variant's model.
  • Updated the model of the Lingholm and Snowdrop Mooblooms to match the upcoming Cold cow variant's model.
  • Updated the model of the Limelight and Nightshade Mooblooms to more closely resemble a Zebu.
  • Upddated the textures of every Moobloom added by the mod to be closer to the upcoming 1.21.5 cow variant textures.
  • Updated the textures of certain Moobloom linked blocks/items (Flowers, Cupcakes, Flower Crowns) to match the new variant textures' colors.
  • Updated Lingholm flower texture.

Minor Changes

  • Trees are no longer blocked from generating where Ranches generate. This will hopefully make the surroundings of Ranch structures less bare.
  • Added data fix/world upgrade support for 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
  • Mooblooms' variant may now be set with the variant NBT tag. This tag follows the same rules as the Fabric/NeoForge attacHment.
    • The Type tag no longer works when setting a Moobloom's type. This is now built into data fixing when upgrading a world from 1.x.x to 2.2.0 or above.
    • The fabric/neoforge:attachments.bovinesandbuttercups:cow_type tag no longer works when detting a Moobloom's type. This is now built into data fixing when updating a world from 2.0.0 to 2.2.0 or above.
  • Updated Nightshade text colors.
  • Mooblooms now have to wait 15 seconds before being pollinated by a bee again.


  • Fixed Moobloom head rotations.
  • Fixed loading issues with cupcake models that resulted in inconsistent missing models.
  • Reverted the previous variant being set to the old previous variant if present change, it was messing with thunder conversions.
  • Fixed Baby Sombercup Moobloom's back bud texture floating in mid air.
  • Fixed Sombercup Moobloom's inability to be converted into a Chargelily Moobloom.
  • Fixed Moobloom getting up animation not playing after a bee has pollinated the Moobloom.
  • Fixed missing texture for Lockdown Effect background inside the inventory.
  • Fixed Mooblooms not spawning in Buttercup or Pink Daisy ranches due to a missing template pool.
  • Fixed entity equipment not data fixing with Bovines in mind.
  • Fixed special recipes causing an exception and returning items whilst crafting.
  • Fixed fallback textures always displaying when no conditions are specified.
  • Fixed an exception being thrown on startup, not allowing options.txt to be respected on NeoForge. (#9)
  • Fixed Fabric platform helper initializing too early, causing conflicts with mods that implement non-loader Mixin Extras versions. (#10)

Data Pack/Resource Pack Changes

  • Added bovinesandbuttercups:cow cow variant type.
    • Only has one instance by default, bovinesandbuttercups:default_cow.
  • Cow Variants can now reference differently typed cows in their conversion types, which will convert them to that type.
  • Conversion data JSON has been refactored, with backwards compatibility. You may read below to see the changes.
  • You may now set a cow type's spawn biomes as empty to make them spawn anywhere.
  • Updated Sombercup Moobloom's referenced sculk moss layer texture to bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/sombercup_moobloom_sculk_moss_layer.
  • Added model layer textures for all model variants.
    • Cold/Sculk Moobloom
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/cold_moobloom_grass_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/cold_moobloom_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/cold_moobloom_pale_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/cold_moobloom_sculk_moss_layer
    • Lush Moobloom
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/lush_moobloom_grass_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/lush_moobloom_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/lush_moobloom_pale_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/lush_moobloom_sculk_moss_layer
    • Temperate/Warm Moobloom
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/moobloom_grass_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/moobloom_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/moobloom_pale_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/moobloom_sculk_moss_layer
  • Deprecated old model type ids, these will be removed when the mod updates to 1.21.5 or above.
    • bovinesandbuttercups:default -> bovinesandbuttercups:temperate
    • Not Applicable -> bovinesandbuttercups:warm (Used by Freesia and Alstroemeria)
    • Not Applicable -> bovinesandbuttercups:cold (Used by Lingholm and Snowdrop)
    • Not Applicable -> bovinesandbuttercups:lush (Used by Limelight and Nightshade)
    • bovinesandbuttercups:flat -> sbovinesandbuttercups:sculk (Used by Sombercup)
    • bovinesandbuttercups:buffalo -> scheduled for removal but kept in for old packs (use bovinesandbuttercups:warm instead).
    • bovinesandbuttercups:highland -> scheduled for removal but kept in for old packs (use bovinesandbuttercups:cold instead).
    • bovinesandbuttercups:ox -> scheduled for removal but kept in for old packs (use bovinesandbuttercups:cold instead).
  • Added warns_bees field, used by the Nightshade Moobloom to determine which bee behaviour the Moobloom should operate on.
Conversion Data JSON Update

Before, you could only write the cow variant, such as the below:

  "type": "bovinesandbuttercups:chargelily"

This still works, however, there have been two new fields added to this data.

  "type": {
    "set_previous": false,
    "this_conditions": [
        "condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",
        "entity": "this",
        "predicate": {
          "location": {
            "biomes": "minecraft:mushroom_fields"
    "variant": "bovinesandbuttercups:red_mushroom"

set_previous defines whether this cow type will set the previous field on conversion. predicate is a vanilla predicate, I'm sure you understand these by now if you've ever worked with data packs. Thunder Conversion predicates operate off the cow being this entity, the thunderbolt as the attacker, the thunderbolt damage source as the damage source, and the position of the cow as the origin. Sculk Conversion predicates operate off the cow being this entity, and the position of the cow as the origin.

2.2.0 - The Texterity (and Partial Backport) Update

Major Changes

  • Reflavoured Bird of Paradise to Alstroemeria.
    • Birds of Paradise are far more linked to Jungles than Savannas, and Tropical Blues already fulfil the Jungle niche. So the change happened to make this orange flower fulfil the Savanna niche far more.
    • There is backwards compatibility implemented for converting blocks, items, and items on vanilla block entities and entities.
    • Cross-mod backwards compatibility may be impossible, so please make sure to put any Bird of Paradise items away from modded (block) entities, and to allow players a free cheat card if they don't do this.
    • Language entries may be inaccurate after this change, but they were already so shrug.
  • You may now convert a regular Cow into a Moobloom or Mooshroom by hitting them with lightning in the new cow's origin biome.
    • Strike a cow with lightning in a Flower Forest for a Buttercup Moobloom.
    • Strike a cow with lightning in a Mushroom Fields for a Red Mooshroom.
  • Updated the model of the Freesia and Alstroemeria Mooblooms to match the upcoming Warm cow variant's model.
  • Updated the model of the Lingholm and Snowdrop Mooblooms to match the upcoming Cold cow variant's model.
  • Updated the model of the Limelight Mooblooms to more closely resemble a Zebu.
  • Upddated the textures of every Moobloom added by the mod to be closer to the upcoming 1.21.5 cow variant textures.
  • Updated the textures of certain Moobloom linked blocks/items (Flowers, Cupcakes, Flower Crowns) to match the new variant textures' colors.
  • Updated Lingholm flower texture.

Minor Changes

  • Trees are no longer blocked from generating where Ranches generate. This will hopefully make the surroundings of Ranch structures less bare.
  • Added data fix/world upgrade support for 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
  • Mooblooms' variant may now be set with the variant NBT tag. This tag follows the same rules as the Fabric/NeoForge attacHment.
    • The Type tag no longer works when setting a Moobloom's type. This is now built into data fixing when upgrading a world from 1.x.x to 2.2.0 or above.
    • The fabric/neoforge:attachments.bovinesandbuttercups:cow_type tag no longer works when detting a Moobloom's type. This is now built into data fixing when updating a world from 2.0.0 to 2.2.0 or above.
  • Mooblooms now have to wait 15 seconds before being pollinated by a bee again.


  • Fixed Sombercups being half implemented.
  • Fixed loading issues with cupcake models that resulted in inconsistent missing models.
  • Reverted the previous variant being set to the old previous variant if present change, it was messing with thunder conversions.
  • Fixed Baby Sombercup Moobloom's back bud texture floating in mid air.
  • Fixed Sombercup Moobloom's inability to be converted into a Chargelily Moobloom.
  • Fixed Moobloom getting up animation not playing after a bee has pollinated the Moobloom.
  • Fixed missing texture for Lockdown Effect background inside the inventory.
  • Fixed Mooblooms not spawning in Buttercup or Pink Daisy ranches due to a missing template pool.
  • Fixed entity equipment not data fixing with Bovines in mind.
  • Fixed special recipes causing an exception and returning items whilst crafting.
  • Fixed fallback textures always displaying when no conditions are specified.
  • Fixed an exception being thrown on startup, not allowing options.txt to be respected on NeoForge. (#9)
  • Fixed Fabric platform helper initializing too early, causing conflicts with mods that implement non-loader Mixin Extras versions. (#10)

Data Pack/Resource Pack Changes

  • Added bovinesandbuttercups:cow cow variant type.
    • Only has one instance by default, bovinesandbuttercups:default_cow.
  • Cow Variants can now reference differently typed cows in their conversion types, which will convert them to that type.
  • Conversion data JSON has been refactored, with backwards compatibility. You may read below to see the changes.
  • You may now set a cow type's spawn biomes as empty to make them spawn anywhere.
  • Updated Sombercup Moobloom's referenced sculk moss layer texture to bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/sombercup_moobloom_sculk_moss_layer.
  • Added model layer textures for all model variants.
    • Cold/Sculk Moobloom
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/cold_moobloom_grass_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/cold_moobloom_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/cold_moobloom_pale_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/cold_moobloom_sculk_moss_layer
    • Lush Moobloom
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/lush_moobloom_grass_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/lush_moobloom_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/lush_moobloom_pale_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/lush_moobloom_sculk_moss_layer
    • Temperate/Warm Moobloom
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/moobloom_grass_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/moobloom_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/moobloom_pale_moss_layer
      • bovinesandbuttercups:bovinesandbuttercups/moobloom/moobloom_sculk_moss_layer
  • Deprecated old model type ids, these will be removed when the mod updates to 1.21.5 or above.
    • bovinesandbuttercups:default -> bovinesandbuttercups:temperate
    • Not Applicable -> bovinesandbuttercups:warm (Used by Freesia and Alstroemeria)
    • Not Applicable -> bovinesandbuttercups:cold (Used by Lingholm and Snowdrop)
    • Not Applicable -> bovinesandbuttercups:lush (Used by Limelight)
    • bovinesandbuttercups:flat -> sbovinesandbuttercups:sculk (Used by Sombercup)
    • bovinesandbuttercups:buffalo -> scheduled for removal but kept in for old packs (use bovinesandbuttercups:warm instead).
    • bovinesandbuttercups:highland -> scheduled for removal but kept in for old packs (use bovinesandbuttercups:cold instead).
    • bovinesandbuttercups:ox -> scheduled for removal but kept in for old packs (use bovinesandbuttercups:cold instead).
  • Added warns_bees field, used by 1.21.4's Nightshade Moobloom but backported for convenience.
Conversion Data JSON Update

Before, you could only write the cow variant, such as the below:

  "type": "bovinesandbuttercups:chargelily"

This still works, however, there have been two new fields added to this data.

  "type": {
    "set_previous": false,
    "this_conditions": [
        "condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",
        "entity": "this",
        "predicate": {
          "location": {
            "biomes": "minecraft:mushroom_fields"
    "variant": "bovinesandbuttercups:red_mushroom"

set_previous defines whether this cow type will set the previous field on conversion. predicate is a vanilla predicate, I'm sure you understand these by now if you've ever worked with data packs. Thunder Conversion predicates operate off the cow being this entity, the thunderbolt as the attacker, the thunderbolt damage source as the damage source, and the position of the cow as the origin. Sculk Conversion predicates operate off the cow being this entity, and the position of the cow as the origin.


  • Fixed an exception being thrown regarding faulty recipe code.
  • Fixed bovinesandbuttercups:remainder ingredient type inserting remainder ingredients into the wrong slot.
  • Fixed Suspicious Edible Mushroom Pastry recipe not outputting 4.


  • Fixed Suspicious Edible Mushroom Pastry recipe not outputting 4.


  • Fixed packets trying to incorrectly access CowVariantAttachments. (#4)
  • Fixed Mojang Design Oriented Resource Packs not being updated. (#5)


  • Fixed packets trying to incorrectly access CowVariantAttachments. (#4)
  • Fixed Mojang Design Oriented Resource Packs not being updated. (#5)


  • Ported to 1.21.4.
  • Added Nightshade Mooblooms, a new light gray Moobloom bred whilst near Pale Garden blocks.

Updating Old Worlds

  • If you are coming from 1.21.1...
    • When updating from old worlds, Nectars will be changed to a new item ID based object, any custom nectar bowls will be converted into Buttercup Nectar Bowls.
    • There may be better options for Custom Nectar DFU in the future.

Datapacking Changes

  • Removed the bovinesandbuttercups:nectar registry.
    • This registry's functionality has been replaced with the minecraft:consumable data component.
    • Each nectar is now an individual item, you may edit an item's components to create your own nectars.
  • Added item_model fields to custom flower, custom mushroom and edible block data types.
    • This will define an items file to use as the component for these items.


  • Added Camellia Mooblooms, a new magenta Moobloom bred whilst near Cherry Grove blocks.
    • Pink Petals and Cherry Wood has been removed from the Pink Daisy breeding table to account for this change.
  • Added Sombercup Mooblooms, a new alien Moobloom converted when activating a Sculk Catalyst with a Moobloom nearby.
  • Bovines and Buttercups advancements are no longer hidden.
  • The Full Bloom advancement now grants 100 experience upon completion.
  • The Full Bloom advancement no longer requires a Buttercup, Chargelily or Pink Daisy Moobloom.
  • Updated multiple moobloom models to better match the cow they're referencing.
    • This affects...
      • Freesia
      • Lingholm
      • Snowdrop
  • Added modded DFU for contents of this mod, this will be used in the update to 1.21.4.
  • Updated Pink Daisy Nectar Bowl texture to distinguish it from the new Camellia Nectar Bowl.
  • Lowered the search area for Mooblooms on bees.


  • Fixed potential ConcurrentModificationException when applying nectar.
  • Fixed certain ranch structures having poorly placed fence gates. This affects:
    • Lingholm Ranches
    • Freesia Ranches
  • Fixed NeoForge structure based Mooblooms spawning in as the missing moobloom type.

Datapacking Changes

  • Renamed cow_type directory to cow_variant.
  • Renamed cow_type_type registry to cow_type.
  • There's been a few renames across the board to accommodate these changes.
    • bovinesandbuttercups:breed_cow_with_type advancement trigger -> bovinesandbuttercups:breed_cow_with_variant
      • cow_type_type -> type
      • cow_types -> variants
    • bovinesandbuttercups:cow subpredicate.
      • cow_type -> variant

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Licensed MPL-2.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 days ago