


Adds floating brains that attempt to spread throughout the world

Client and server Mobs

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Adds strange floating brains into the world, intentions unknown.

Floating brains will rairly spawn in your world these, brains will seek hosts to brain control. Hosts serve the brains, infected entities will seek out the brain master. Whem an infected is brought to the brain master it will eat them to grow larger until reaching its final form.

Upon the creation of a brain master a brain infection will begin spreading, only until this brain master is stopped will the infection stop spreading. Your spoils of victory will allow you to reverse the infection and return everything to normal... until the next brain attack.


  • World Infection (block corruption)
  • Reversible Infection (block corruption reversal)
  • Unique boss
  • Mobs with unique AI for hive-like behavior
  • Player infection

The Brain Master can throw block and shoot brain lasers. This mob spawns when a brain gains enough mass

These brains seek out hosts and follow a single leader which they will bring new hosts to add to the leaders mass

If you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to leave a comment on the mod page.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 5 days ago
Updated 7 days ago